Featuring a Collaborative Space to strengthen citizenship, the network France Morocco Skills, created by the Franco-Moroccans, aims to mobilize skills coming from all communities, to make them participate effectively in the building of a life-together.

The network also intends to promote the active participation of its members to the social and solidary organization of the society they live in and the one from which they originate.

It has nearly been two years since the network France-Morocco Skills (FMC) was established. This period allowed consolidating its foundations and creating a neutral, dynamic and evolving structure as an association.

The mission of the FMC revolves around; namely:

– The desire of the Franco-Moroccan diaspora to participate effectively in public life in France and Morocco.

– The political will to respond to various questions on integration in the host countries to build the “living together”.

– The will of Moroccan and French authorities to mobilize Diaspora skills to effectively contribute to sustainable development.

And the Franco-Moroccan Diaspora, often seen as a resource, is invited to organize and become a legitimate and effective player in the development and joint influence of France and Morocco.

Following a report showing that the current dialogue between the political, French and Moroccan sides and the civil society was not sufficiently structured effectively, gave an impetus to creating the France-Morocco Skills network.

The France-Morocco-Skills sets to share positive action and promoting the participation of citizens in public and local life, as France and the new Moroccan constitution recommend to strengthen participatory democracy and citizens’ initiative.

Thereby helping to promote the FMC network skills as an instance of reflection (Think Tank), proposals and boost development and exchange projects.

In summary, the Franco-Moroccan diaspora, through FMC may complete the dialogue through a true partnership, engaging the responsibilities of all for a better consideration of the qualities of civil society. All in the service of the public interest and citizens.

With Maglor

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