Sunday, February 9, 2020 the CCME organized the presentation of the book “Jewish music in Morocco” produced by Mr. Ahmed Aydoun and published by Marsam editions with the CCME support. The meeting gathered M.Ahmed Aydoun, Professor of economics, laureate of the Rabat conservatory and researcher in musical art, Mrs Susanne Harroch and Mr Maxime Karoutchi,. This sound able was table moderated by Zhour Rehihil, conservator of the Museum of Moroccan Judaism.


Ms. Rhihel said she was grateful to Mr. Nourredine Dirar for the translation into Arabic of the work of Mr. Aydoun and Rita Stern, and Aaron David Ashby for the translation of the same book in English.

In his presentation, Ahmed Aydoun explains that the Jewish music is the expression of our bond to our Moroccan identity. “I was interested in my journey in diverse music of Morocco including the Hassan and Amazigh music and it seemed essential to me to explore Jewish music for all what it brought to the different Moroccan musical genres”, he said.

“The music illustrates the peace between Jews and Muslims in Morocco, it is an association of the two religions which have coexisted for many centuries in Morocco”. He also said that Andalusia has been a laboratory for Moroccan music where the two faiths have brought their “best notes”.

For Mr Maxime Karoutchi, “the Jewish music of Morocco is essentially Moroccan music, we are used to assert this Jewish tributary to demonstrate to the world that in the country there has always been this coexistence between the different treligions ”.

In his speech, he paid tribute to Albert Suissa, one of the greatest Moroccan composers of Jewish faith who wrote nearly 1,000 Moroccan songs. “He inspired me by his attachment to his Moroccan identity.”

For her part, Mrs Susanne Harroch was happy about the interest of the Moroccan youth in Jewish music and our Moroccan cultural heritage. During this meeting, she presented her current project to encourage the Moroccan songs of her hometown, Erfoud and bring together the texts of the old songs which retrace the Jewish ceremonies in Morocco.


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