The outstanding contribution of women of Moroccan immigration in Canada was put forward at a meeting held on Saturday in Dar Al-Maghrib in Montreal, in the presence of a large female audience who came to celebrate and honor women, their sacrifices and their rich contributions to the development of Canadian society.
Speaking on this occasion, the Ambassador of Morocco in Ottawa Nouzha Chekrouni welcomed the organization of this meeting, initiated by the Forum of the Moroccan community resident in Canada (FCMRC), which is a celebration of immigrant Moroccan women and their contributions to the enrichment of Canadian society, adding that the recognition and appreciation of different cultures is an effective way against the uprooting and ensures a better integration into the host society.
“The integration of immigrants in host societies is part of a process that involves inserting into three major areas: institutional, economic and socio-community”, said Chekrouni, noting that Moroccan women have proved over the years to have an exemplary integration capacity in these three spheres.
In this sense, Chekrouni said that Canada has many Moroccan immigrant women who managed to leave their mark in various fields (academic, economic, political, media, social or cultural), noting that the Moroccan women (Muslim or Jewish) contribute through the networks they establish and their involvement in the social fabric and cultural activities, to the emancipation and development of the Moroccan and Arab women in general.
Immigrant Moroccan women are an “active force” to promote the universal principles and values, she argued, adding that they have demonstrated their ability to adapt, to produce and contribute to economic growth and to the cultural enrichment of their host countries”.
“Their success is the result of hard work and a remarkable persistence and determination”, she said, arguing that women should serve as a model for others who chose to immigrate to Canada in search of a better life but face problems of non-recognition of diplomas, lack of experience, difficulties to break through the professional bodies, which results in a higher rate of unemployment among immigrant women in general.
The meeting was also an opportunity for Chekrouni to highlight the significant efforts made by Morocco as part of its new migration policy, initiated by His Majesty King Mohammed VI.
She therefore recalled the substantial reforms made by Morocco for the promotion of women’s rights, adding that the dynamics that led in 2011 to the adoption of a new constitution have laid the foundation of equality between men / women, in addition to other achievements in favor of women (the Family Code, the Nationality Code etc).
For her part, the General Secretary of FCMRC, Nafisa Abarbach said that this meeting is a tribute to all Moroccan immigrant women in Canada, highlighting the key role they have played and continue to play in Canadian society.
“Morocco’s history is full of examples of women who have contributed to the development of the Kingdom and its influence on national and international stages”, adding that it’s not surprising that immigrant Moroccan women are so bold, persevering and motivated to succeed in their country of immigration and play a fundamental role in the host society.
The Quebec Minister of Immigration, Diversity and Inclusion, Kathleen Weil praised the outstanding contribution of immigration to Quebec society thanks to the strong potential of immigrants which include these talented Moroccan women contributing to the development of Quebec, whose wealth lies in its diversity.
She further highlighted the new policy of Quebec’s immigration and inclusion, stressing the need for the full participation of all and collective action to transcend the barriers that hinder the integration of immigrants, particularly in the labor market.
This meeting was punctuated by testimonies from immigrant Moroccan women in Canada who have managed to stand out in their respective areas of action, as they shared with the audience their journeys, the obstacles they had to overcome to better integrate and be recognized in the host country.
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