Moroccan artist Driss Rahaoui has turned Royal speeches about the Moroccans in the world into a work of art is a new artistic experience that aims to renew the communion between the Moroccans dispatched in the world and their country of origin.

During his presentation “The Moroccans of the world in the Royal speeches” that took place on Friday, February 13, 2015, organized by the CCME participation in the 21st session of the International Publishing and Book fair of Casablanca, Driss Rahaoui emphasized that this idea came from the Royal speeches on immigration.

He also stressed the importance of art in communication and its ability to give messages that cannot be transferred in a written or oral form; adding that he used for this artwork 20 speeches of His Majesty the King, written by Moroccan calligraphy; a symbol of identity and Moroccan culture, which is characterized by features that are not found in any other calligraphy.

Driss Rahaoui said he has used a series of aesthetic additions, focusing on a group of expressions contained in these speeches to highlight them through technical division within the painting, given its importance, besides the use of classic colors that symbolize the historical perspective of this calligraphy .

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