Deputies discussed Thursday legislative proposals of the Radical Group, the Republicans, Democrats and progressive (RRDP) including the one to relax the rules of “language skills of applicants for naturalization”.
“The goal is to exempt Francophone applicants from taking a specific language test aimed at non-French speaking foreigners,” says Jacques Krabal, the rapporteur of the text.
A proposal consensus was largely approved by the left-wing parties: ecologist Paul Molac considers this proposal as “more than welcome”, socialist Marie-Anne Chapdelaine believes that it is likely “to prevent vexatious proceedings.”
The text also got the approval of the UDI: “It is nonsense when an applicant for naturalization, whose mother tongue is French, is forced to justify his mastering of that language via a test,” joked Yannick Favennec, the member for Mayenne.
Only the UMP Thierry Mariani , the deputy of the French abroad, opposed to the text, denouncing “the permanent paranoia” of some elected: “When we ask people to pass a French test, we would stop saying that it is vexatious or humiliating, it’s just normal and it happens so in every country, “
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