The announcement was made on Monday by Bert Koenders, Dutch Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Indeed, inaugurating on Monday, in The Hague, the work of an international meeting on the fight against the exodus of jihadists, the Dutch Foreign Minister, Bert Koenders, announced that his country had called for help from Morocco, to prevent the radicalization of young Dutch Muslims, to prevent against Daech recruiters.

Speaking before experts from 40 countries and international organizations, Bert Koenders, whose remarks were reported by AFP, said that his country will host from next Thursday, a group of 45 Moroccan imams, who will teach in the Dutch mosques, ways to prevent radicalization and educate Dutch imams as “religious leaders”.

The Hague Conference is organized under the aegis of the Global Forum against terrorism – GCTF, created in 2011.

A similar conference was held late 2014 in Morocco.

Note that Morocco and the Netherlands co-chair the GCTF working group on foreign fighters.

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