Driss EL YAZAMI, President of the CCME

Driss EL YAZAMI, Président du CCME

President of the Council of the Moroccan Community Abroad and of the Euro-Mediterranean Foundation for the Support of Human Rights Defenders, Driss El Yazami has served on the Equity and Reconciliation Commission (IER), the Moroccan Truth Commission, and the Consultative Commission for the Revision of the Constitution (2011).

A former head of the COP22 Civil Society Pole, Mr. El Yazami chaired the National Human Rights Council (CNDH) from 2011 to 2018.

Former General Delegate of Génériques, an association specializing in the history of foreigners and immigration in France, editor-in-chief of Migrance magazine and curator of several exhibitions, Mr. El Yazami has coordinated or contributed to the publication of several works. El Yazami has coordinated or contributed to the publication of several books, including Pour Les Droits de l’Homme (Paris, 1989), Les étrangers en France, guide des sources d’archives publiques et privées (XIXe- XXe siècles), Le Paris-Arabe (La Découverte, 2003), and Générations, un siècle d’histoire culturelle des Maghrébins en France (Gallimard, 2009).

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