In his throne speech, King Mohammed VI has once again paid tribute to the Moroccans of  the World for their unwavering commitment to their country of origin. “We appreciate the true value of their contribution to the development of their country and to defend its supreme interests,” said His Majesty the King adding “We renew and reaffirm every time and on every occasion, our thanks and stress the need to address appropriately the issues that affect them, either inside the country or countries of residence. In this, it is no exaggeration on our part because, in reality, they fully deserve our gratefulness and more. “

Here is an extract dedicated to the Moroccans living abroad:

« Dear people,

Our interest in the issues that concern citizens in Morocco, only matched the attention that we reserve the affairs of community members living abroad.

Indeed, we appreciate the true value of their contribution to the development of their country and the defense of its supreme interests.

We are also proud of their commitment to their country and the growing number of those who each year make a point to come to Morocco, despite  inconvenience of travel and the difficulties they face.

We renew and reaffirm every time and on every occasion, our thanks and emphasize the need to address appropriately the issues that affect them, either inside the country or the countries of residence. (…) in reality, Therefore, it is no exaggeration on our part because, in reality, they fully deserve our gratefulness and more.

It has already been said, we insist on the need to improve the services provided to them and inquire into some service models adopted for this purpose.

But despite the reforms and measures that have been taken, they remain insufficient. That is the reason why their is a  need to show more seriousness and more commitment on the part of the consuls and officials  to facilitate and improve the life of the moroccan community abroad ».

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