Council of the Moroccan Community Abroad (CCME) organized on Sunday, February 18, 2018, a round table on “Moroccans : Migrants and Travelers” at the CCME at the book fair with a tribute to reading circles around the book.

During this meeting, Mr. Youssef haji from the CCME, said that the aim of this tribute to reading circles around the book “Moroccans: Migrants and Travelers” was to reach the widest audience, mainly in marginalized schools.

He added that many Moroccans of Jewish faith, including Ms. Simone Bitton are devoted against racism in the Palestinian community and was grateful to Mr. Omar Edkhil “who has eased our actions in the region” to make this story available young Moroccans living in Palestine.

Mr. Brahim Mellouki, whose Moroccan-Palestinian Friendship Association was created in 2004 by several young Palestinians who studied in Morocco, said that Palestine has always been of great interest to Morocco. We have several points in common: religion, language, belonging to the Arab nation … He added that the aim of the association is to create bridges between young Moroccans and Palestinians for cultural exchanges.

Mr. Brahim Mellouki then said that there are many actions “to make the diversity of Moroccan culture known in Palestine” where 200 Moroccans live. Finally, Mr. Mellouki said that it was necessary to promote Morocco’s commitment to the Palestinian cause.

He added it was important to coach young Moroccans in Palestine to strengthen their link with the country of origin reminding that every year groups of young Moroccans and Palestinians visit Morocco through the association.

Finally, he said he was grateful to the Moroccan partners including the CCME and the Hassan 2 foundation and in Europe, especially in France.

Mr. Mohammed Fadel, from Smara City (Southern Morocco) began his speech by explaining “we lve in the spiritual capital of the southern provinces,” insisting that the CCME was one of the few institutions to have organized activities in the region and stimulate the southern provinces

He recalled that several members of the Sahrawi community live abroad and defend the national sovereignty of Morocco in international forums. He concluded by saying that the CCME is our ambassador to Moroccan populations around the world.

Mr. Sidi Mohammed Sehlaoui French-speaking teacher in Smara,for his part, instigated the establishment of a teachers’ association in Smara to organize actions for the city and the environment with students, as well as competitions for literary productions

Mr. Abdellatif Mortagine, founder of the Khamssa association in Meurthe-et-Moselle in France, where nearly 20,000 Moroccans live, has expressed his gratitude for the support and the international dynamism of the CCME. The main goal of the association is to take care of the concerns of the Moroccans living abroad: the daily life (integration, equality of rights …)  the tie with Morocco and to promote solidarity development. In this context, he said, we have initiated several projects including “schools for all” for the battle against school dropout in rural areas, built 17 schools and made a twinned Meurthe-et-Moselle and Sidi Kacem for the protection of childhood.

He said that during this year, in Zagora, “we have facilitated the improvement of water quality ».

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