The Minister of Social Affairs, Mohamed Ennaceur has announced it: a National Council for Tunisians abroad will be created.

Thought of as an advisory structure that has the legal personality and administrative and financial autonomy. It will contribute to the development of legislation concerning Tunisians abroad and the establishment of a national framework for policies in relation to this social class

It is high time said Mr. Ennaceur, to review the whole system by putting it at the service of Tunisians abroad, lending real listening to their concerns and meet their expectations.

The January 14 Revolution, he added, has emphasized the enriching contribution of our compatriots and it is now necessary to review the programs and make them match the ambitions.

And just recently, The Ivorian authorities have been working for several months towards the establishment of a Council of the Ivorian diaspora inspired from the model of the Council of the Moroccan Community Abroad (CCME) established by Royal Dahir in 2007, with the aim of contributing to the improvement of public policies on the Moroccan migration through the development of scientific thought, and that in view of the consolidation of democracy, promotion of human rights, and the development of citizen participation.

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