After the desecration of a Jewish cemetery in St. Louis during the last weekend in which more than 150 headstones were damaged, American Muslims  started a fundraiser to help the Jewish American community pay for repairs.

« On the heels of bomb threats and hate crimes against dozens of Jewish community center’s across the United States,  a historical Jewish cemetery was vandalized this past weekend  when over 170 headstones were damaged. Muslim Americans stand in solidarity with the Jewish-American community to condemn this horrific act of desecration against the Chesed Shel Emeth Cemetery. We also extend our deepest condolences to all those who have been affected and to the Jewish community at large » says a communiqué of the launchgood project.

The fundraisers pursue « The Muslim-American community extends our hands to help rebuild this sacred space where Jewish-American families have laid their loved ones to rest since the late 1800’s. Campaign proceeds will go directly to the Chesed Shel Emeth Cemetery in light of the recent damage. Any remaining funds – after the cemetery is restored – will be allocated to repair any other vandalized Jewish centers ».

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