President Barack Obama visited,  on Wednesday 3 february 2016, the U.S mosque of Baltimore in a context of growing Islamophobia. It is the first visit to a mosque of the american president, since his endorsment 7 years ago. 

The American president took this step in protest against  the  anti-Islam rhetoric of some republican candidates. In his speech to the muslims he said “Recently, we have heard an inexcusable  rhetoric against American Muslims, who do not have their place in our country. That is the reason it is not surprising that the harassment and threats against American Muslims have increased”.
Mr Obama added “I receive letters of Muslims who say they feel like second-class citizens. A mother wrote to me saying she  cried every evening because she did not kniow how how her daughter would be treated in school the next day. That is not what we are”.
The 3,3 millions of muslims living in the States fear to be the scapegoats of some republican leaders preparing the primary of next november
Recently a  study published by the Pew Center concluded that 35% of Republicans believe that at least half of the Muslims living in the United States are “anti-American”.

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