For immigrants here illegally, life can be very different from one state to another. Some states have been reluctant to accept them, while others have moved to incorporate them. Unauthorized immigrants are barred from receiving most federal benefits.
Where Unauthorized Immigrants Can Get Driver’s Licenses
Ten states and the District of Columbia allow unauthorized immigrants to obtain driver’s licenses using a foreign passport or birth certificate or evidence of current residency in the state. But most states require a Social Security number for a driver’s license, which unauthorized immigrants do not have.
Where Unauthorized Immigrants Can Get Tuition Benefits
Twenty states allow unauthorized immigrants to attend a public college at the same in-state tuition rate that legal residents and American citizens pay. A few, like California, allow those immigrants to apply for financial aid.
Where Laws Have Been Passed Allowing Police to Question People About Their Immigration Status
Arizona passed a law in 2010 requiring the police to question anyone they arrest about immigration status if they suspect the person is in the country illegally. Five other states enacted measures patterned after the Arizona law.
Which States Are Challenging Programs to Give Work Permits and Protections from Deportation
Twenty-six states have filed a lawsuit challenging President Obama’s executive actions, which would give work permits and protection from deportation to about four million unauthorized immigrants. Some of these states, like Texas, Florida and Georgia, are among those with the largest populations of unauthorized immigrants. Another 14 states and the District of Columbia have asked a federal appeals court to allow Mr. Obama’s programs to begin.
Source: The New York Times