Amina Bouayach and Amina Lotfi, two activists involved in defending women’s rights and freedom, were awarded, on Monday in Rabat, the insignia of the Knight of National Order of the Legion of Honor of the Republic of France in recognition of their actions in favor of the promotion of human rights.

French ambassador in Rabat Charles Fries hailed, at a ceremony held at his residence, the courage of both activists and their fight for freedom and against all forms of injustice.

Bouayach is the first woman to be elected in 2006 as head of the Moroccan Organization for Human Rights (OMDH). She was also elected secretary general of the International Federation of Human Rights Leagues (FIDH) during its 2013 congress in Istanbul.

As for Amina Lotfi, she was president of the Democratic Association for Moroccan Women (ADFM) from 2010 to 2013. She is currently the coordinator of Morocco’s public governance and gender equality program at UN Women.

In a statement to the news agency MAP, the Vice President of FIDH expressed her delight with this award, which is “a recognition for defenders of human rights who have been able to act in difficult times and find democratic transition paths for the consecration of universal human rights.

“For its part, Amina Lotfi believes that this award acknowleges the work of the Moroccan feminist movements that strive, since the 80s, for the promotion and protection of women’s rights.

On related news, Aïcha Ech-Chenna, president of the association Women Solidarity, was also presented with the same award in February./ With Map

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