"Culture, education and identity” working group
Younes AJARRAÏ , President
Younes Ajarraï
Younes Ajarraï Caen, born in Kénitra on February 5, 1959, teacher, lecturer, president of the “Trait d'union” cultural association, artistic director of the “Cultures du Maghreb” festival.
- M'Hamed EL OUFRASSI , Rapporteur
Najat Azmy
Najat Azmy
Najat Azmy, Paris, born in Benslimane, member of the Conseil national pour la diversité (National Council for Diversity), former local councillor in charge of education at Roubaix town hall, project manager at ACSE (Agence nationale de cohésion sociale et d'égalité de chance).
Rachid Benzine, Trappes, born in Kenitra in 1971, academic and researcher on contemporary Koranic hermeneutics associated with the Observatoire du religieux in Aix en Provence, lecturer in the “Religion and Societies” Master's program at the Institut d'Etudes Politiques in Aix en Provence. A writer, he has notably published “Les Nouveaux penseurs de l'Islam” (Tarik / Albin Michel, 2004) and “Nous avons tant de choses à nous dire” in collaboration with the priest Christian Delorme, (Albin Michel, 1998). He is also director of the Islam des lumières collection published by Albin Michel.
Paul Dahan
Paul Dahan
Paul Dahan, Brussels, born in Fez, psychoanalyst, director of the Centre de la culture judéo-marocaine (CCJM), he has organized several exhibitions and events in Europe and the United States on Moroccan Judaism.
Omar El Mourabet
Omar El Mourabet
Omar El Mourabet, Paris, born in Fez on August 22, 1969, IT and marketing strategy engineer, lecturer at the Institut régional du travail social (IRTS) on the issue of religion and culture of origin, president of the “Maroc Développement” association, a network of Franco-Moroccan and European associations, member of the executive board of the “France Plurielle” association, founding member of the Forum des cadres chrétiens et musulmans (FCCM).
Raphy Marciano
Raphy Marciano
Raphy Marciano, Paris, born January 4, 1948 in Casablanca, director of the Paris community center.
Observer members
- Mr Aziz NAHYA , Ministry of National Education, Higher Education, Executive Training and Scientific Research
- Ms Khadija EL GOUR , Ministry of Culture
- Mr Brahim ABBAR, Hassan II Foundation for Moroccans living abroad
- Mr Brahim OUNIR, Ministry in charge of the Moroccan community living abroad
- Mr Mohamed RIFKI, Ministry of Habous and Islamic Affairs
"Citizenship and political participation” working group
- Abdou MENEBHI, Rapporteur
- Driss AJBALI
Amina Benlarbi
Amina Benlarbi
Amina Benlarbi, Oran, born September 02, 1954 in Marrakech, lawyer, member of Ordine section 12 (Legal advice). Community activist, member of Espace Maghrébin (Maghrébine Association), co-founder of the Club oranais de la femme, member of the Académie artistique des pays Catalans, self-taught painter.
- Hamid BICHRI
- Sidi Mohamed FARSSI
Observer members
- Mr Jamal EL KAMIL, Ministry of the Interior
- M. Abdelhadi ATTOBI, Diwan Al Madhalim
- Mr Lahoussine AKJARAÏ, Ministry in charge of the Moroccan community living abroad
- Mr Mohamed RIFKI , Ministry of Habous and Islamic Affairs
- Mr Fouad BENMAKHLOUF , Hassan II Foundation for Moroccans living abroad
"Administration, users' rights and public policies” working group
- Abdelhamid EL JAMRI, President
- Mohamed Anouar HAIDOUR, Rapporteur
Observer members
- Mr Abid YOUBI, Ministry of Justice
- M. Aziz Jillali SGHIR, Ministry of the Interior
- M. Ahmed EL KHDAR, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation
- M. Jaouad El HIMDI, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation
- M. Mohammed BAALLAL, Ministry of Employment and Vocational Training, Employment Department
- M. Mohammed SALHI, Ministry of Employment and Vocational Training, Vocational Training Department
- M. Mohamed El AZAMI, Mohamed V Foundation for Solidarity
- M. Fouad BENMAKHLOUF, Hassan II Foundation for Moroccans living abroad
- Mme Bouchra EDDAOUIBI, Ministry in charge of the Moroccan community living abroad
- Mr Mohamed RIFKI, Ministry of Habous and Islamic Affairs
- M. Abdelouahab ABOUSSOF, Ministry of Economy and Finance Customs Department
- M. Abdelmjid MOURHIR, Ministry of Economy and Finance Customs Department
"Scientific, technical and economic skills for inclusive development” working group
Daniel Amar , Rapporteur
Daniel Amar
Daniel Amar, Montreal, born July 5, 1963 in Casablanca, Executive Director of the Canadian Jewish Congress, Quebec Section, former member of various ministerial cabinets, consultant.
Adil Jazouli
Adil Jazouli
Adil Jazouli, Paris, born August 11, 1955 in Rabat, head of the Mission Prospective et Stratégie at the DIV (Délégation interministérielle à la Ville), former founder and director of the “Banlieuescopies” program, president of the association “Dialogue, arabes et juifs en France”, president of the Union des Centres de Plein Air- Maroc (UCPA-Maroc), holder of a DESS in psychosociology of organizations and a PhD in sociology.
Abdelghani Dades
Abdelghani Dades
Abdelghani Dades, Montreal, born in Fez on September 17, 1951, graduate in economics, journalist, founder of the Atlasmédias group (Radio la voix des marocains and Atlasmédia newspaper), member of the “Rights & Democracy” Canada network, member of the Maghreb table of the Quebec Ministry of Immigration and Cultural Communities.
Observer members
- M. Khalid EL HAMMOUMI, Ministry of Social Development, Family and Solidarity
- M. Mohammed EL AZAMI, Mohamed V Foundation for Solidarity
- Ms Ghita ZOUGGARI, Ministry in charge of the Moroccan community abroad
- Mr Mohamed RIFKI, Ministry of Habous and Islamic Affairs
- M. Fouad BENMAKHLOUF, Hassan II Foundation for Moroccans
- Mr Moha HAMAOUI, Ministry of Equipment and Transport
- Mr Mohamed AKALLAL, Ministry of Agriculture and Maritime Fishing
- Ms Hassania ARSALANE, Ministry of Agriculture and Maritime Fishing
- Mr Omar ATTOU EL YOUSSOUFI, Ministry of Higher Education
"Cults and religious education” working group
Abdallah REDOUANE, President
Abdallah Redouane, Rome, General Secretary of the Centre Islamique et Culturel d'Italie, graduate of ISCAE and with a doctorate in organizational science and sociology.
- Mohamed KHARCHICH, Rapporteur
Ahmed Ayaou
Ahmed Ayaou
Ahmed Ayaou, Frankfurt, Chairman of the Moroccan Central Council in Frankfurt, a network of socio-cultural and religious associations, trained as a chemist.
Ahmed El Hamss
Ahmed El Hamss
Ahmed El Hamss, Copenhagen, born November 03, 1961 in Tirzratine (Aknoul Taza). Telecommunications technician and member of the Moroccan-Danish Association for Dialogue “DAN-MAR”. General Secretary of the Federation of Moroccan Associations in Denmark, teacher at a technical school in Copengague.
- El Khemmar El BAKALI
Observer members
- Mr Brahim ABBAR, Hassan II Foundation for Moroccans living abroad
- Dr Touriya LIHIA, Supreme Council of Ulemas
- Mr Brahim OUNIR, Ministry in charge of the Moroccan community living abroad
- Mr Mohamed RIFKI, Ministry of Habous and Islamic Affairs
"Gender and new generations” working group
Amina Ennceiri, President
Amina Ennceiri
Amina Ennceiri, Paris, deputy general secretary of the High Council for Integration, member of the Economic and Social Council, member of the ZEP Sciences Po jury, psychosociologist, knight of the National Order of Merit in 2006.
- Mina RHOUCH,Rapporteure
- Nadia BOURAS
- Souad TALSI
Observer members
- Mr Ali SADIK, Ministry of the Interior
- Ms Houria ZAIDI, Ministry of Youth and Sports
- Mr Rabii LEOUIFOUDI, Ministry of Social Development, Family and Solidarity
- Dr Touriya LIHIA, Supreme Council of Ulemas
- Ms Fatima MOUHAJIR, Ministry in charge of the Moroccan community living abroad
- Ms Asma CHRAÏBI, Ministry in charge of the Moroccan community living abroad
- Mr Mohamed RIFKI, Ministry of Habous and Islamic Affairs
- M. Fouad BENMAKHLOUF, Hassan II Foundation for Moroccans