Saturday, 04 May 2024 08:36

SIEL : program, Sunday February 17th

Sunday, 17 February 2019


Youth matinees


The Agora meetings

"Dealing with diversity in the city"

Speakers: Mrs Najat Vallaud-Belkacem, Mr Roland Riesand Mr Abdellah Boussouf

The round table "Dealing with Diversity in the City", gathers politicians and cultural decision-makers, who will try ntably to share successful their experiences work on  diversity, the efforts made to promote cultural relations, interculturality in local policies and strategies.


CCME publications

- "Voyage en France", Mohamed Saad Zemmouri

- "The Catholic Church in Morocco under the French protectorate Rabat-Paris-Rome or the clash of logics (1912-1956)", Moussa Marguich

Moderator: Mrs Najat Azmy

Travel in France

This book translated by Al Hachimi Al Hashtouki Naciri the secretary of Caid Goundafi who went to France among many Moroccan dignitaries to attend in 1926 the historic inauguration of the Muslim institut of Paris Paris (Grand Mosque), presided by Sultan Moulay Youssef and President Gaston Doumergue.

The Catholic Church in Morocco under the French protectorate

This study seeks to describe, in the colonial context, the mechanisms determining the relations between the political and ecclesiastical power.

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