Monday, 10 February 2025 09:59

Rabat: The 29th edition of the International Fair for Books and Publishing (SIEL)

    Writing Morocco Narrating the world

    Thursday 9th May 2024



    Friday 10th May 2024

    Opening ceremony of the joint pavilion.

    The attendees: Mr. Ahmed Réda Chami, President of the Economic, Social and Environmental Council (CESE), Mr. Mohamed Benalilou, Mediator of the Kingdom (IMR), Mr. Driss El Yazami, President of the Council of the Moroccan Community Abroad (CCME), Mrs Latifa Akharbach, President of the High Authority for Audiovisual Communication (HACA), Mr. Ahmed Rahhou, President of the Competition Council (CC), Mr. Mohamed Bachir Rachdi, Instructor at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA), and Mr. Omar Seghrouchni, President of the National Commission for the Supervision of Personal Data Protection (CNDP).

    Saturday 11th may 2024

    - “Carte Blanche” with Mr. Mohamed El Morabet (Spain)

    Guests: Rocío Rojas-Marcos and Gonzalo Fernández Parrilla
    Theme: Morocco and Spain. Literature and translation: a universal language
    Joint Pavilion conference room from 4pm to 5pm.

    Speech by Mohamed El Morabet

    “We will be exploring the dimensions of literature and translation between the two countries in order to remove the bridge of communication that exists in this field.
    What do Moroccans read? What do Spaniards read?
    What type of Spanish literature is translated in Morocco? What type of Moroccan literature is translated in Spain? What mechanisms could be envisaged to promote more translations between the two countries? In 2020, Spain was the guest of honour at SIEL. Could Morocco be the guest of honour at the Madrid Book Fair in 2030?”

    - New release
    Introducing the novel « Ce que je sais de Monsieur » by Leïla Bahsaïn (Albin Michel, 2024).
    Moderator: Ghita Zine
    Joint Pavilion conference room from 5.30 pm to 6.30 pm.

    Sunday 12 may 2024

    Un livre, un partenaire

    Introducing the novel : « Echos de la mémoire sur les montagnes du Rif» by Fatiha Saïdi (CCME-La Croisée des Chemins, 2024)
    The event will take place at the joint pavillon

    Monday 13 May 2024

    New release

    Introduction of the novel “L'amant secret de Mme Merkel (in Arabic) by Rim Najmi (Dar Al-Masriah Al-Lubnaniah, 2024)

    Moderator: Mohamed Massad

    Joint Pavilion conference room from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m.

    - Preview of the movie “Sisterhood” by Nora El Hourch,
    In partnership with La Prod and In the presence of the director.
    Cinéma Renaissance at 7pm.


    Despite the social gaps, Amina, Djeneba and Zineb have been friends for most of their live. When Zineb is harassed by her brother's best friend, Amina posts a compromising video of him on social networks, hoping that he will stop. But she does not take into account the terrible consequences of her act: the video will not only endanger her safety, but also put their friendship in jeopardy.

    Tuesday 14 May 2024

    - Preview of the documentary “Mora est là” by Khalid Zairi in partnership with 2M.

    Cinema Renaissance at 7pm.


    “With immigration issues subject of controversy and heated debates in Europe, a reminder of former policies allowing Moroccan minors to immigrate to France on a selective basis”
    Mora gives us an insight into the traumatic stories of former Moroccan miners recruited by Felix Mora to work in the mines of Nord-Pas-de-Calais.
    Felix Mora was the implacable instrument of a policy that proletarianised thousands of young peasants, uprooted from their environment and embarked on a vast project that would later have major social, cultural and political consequences in terms of the integration of the new generations born of this immigration.

    Wednesday 15 May 2024

    - New release

    Presentation of the book “Il Freddo in africa e altre storie di un'italia nata altrove” (in Italian) by Karima Moual (Ed. Luiss - University Press, 2024)
    With : Karima Moual (Italy); Halima Hadir (Italy); Yasine El Aouak (Italy).
    Moderated by: Abdellah Redouane

    Joint Pavilion conference room from 11 a.m. to noon.

    The book: “Il Freddo in africa e altre storie di un'italia nata altrove” (Ed. Luiss - University Press, April 2024) reviews the phenomenon of migration in Italy and its challenges through eleven stories of successful migrants with their own business ideas: among them three entrepreneurs of Moroccan origin. The book also includes an important interview with Nobel Prize winner Muhammad Yunus, a foreword by Italian-Moroccan international star Malika Ayane and an updated report by the Leone Moressa Foundation on the phenomenon of entrepreneurship in Italy.

    New release

    Introducing the novel “Seule” by Nesrine Slaoui (Fayard, 2023)
    Moderated by: Aicha Sakhri

    Joint Pavilion conference room from 3pm to 4pm.

    Thursday 16 may 2024

    - Tribute to Lahcen Zinoun.
    In partnership with the Belgian Cercle des Lauréats and the Wallonie-Bruxelles Delegation in Morocco.
    Café de la scène, Renaissance cinema at 6pm.

    Lahcen Zinoun, dancer, choreographer, writer, director and film-maker.
    Lahcen Zinoun was the first moroccan-born dancer in Europe, and the first to be named danseur étoile in Belgium, before returning to his native country to pursue a long and rich artistic career.

    - Preview of Nadia Benzakour's play “Débarquée de l'avion”.
    In partnership with the Institut Supérieur d'Art Dramatique et d'Animation Culturelle (ISADAC).
    Cinéma Renaissance at 7.30pm.

    Nawal has to attend a cocktail party in Marrakech. Her mission is to deliver a present to Mr Ballou, a secret gift box given to her by her father.
    But "Tonton Ballou" is a very busy man and Nawal encounters guests who ask her the same old questions about where she comes from. Was it New York? Or Paris? Ah, France... not the same thing.
    She eventually opens up to the audience about her unconventional life as a Moroccan in a privileged neighbourhood in France, and realizes that she has always hidden away her differences.
    Ultimately, she learns to be herself: a dreamer.

    - A book, a partnership
    Le dernier Rekkas, by Aomar Boum ('Southern languages' - CCME, 2024)
    Moderator: Ahmed Skounti
    The Kitab space, Ministry of Youth, Culture and Communication at 6.30pm.

    In this book -published in Arabic, French and English- Aomar Boum, a Moroccan anthropologist living in the United States and member of the Académie du Royaume, recounts the life of his father, who was most likely one of the last Rekkas in Morocco - the messengers who carried letters on foot- prior to the “birth” of the post office. The book is illustrated by Majdouline Boum-Mendoza, the author's fourteen-year-old daughter born in the US.
    In this book, Aomar Boum and his daughter cement the links between three generations and weave together their family's history and the broader history of Morocco, bringing to light little-known aspects of our past.

    -One book, one partner

    Introducing the the book “Villes et villages du Maroc (etymologie, histoire et légendes) » by Mouna Hachim (Sochepress-CCME, 2024)
    In partnership with Sochepress, organized as part of a Book Club with Groupe Matin du Sahara

    Moderator: Abderrahim Kassou

    Saturday 18th may 2024

    - Carte blanche to Kebir Mustapha Ammi (France)

    Guests: Fouad Bellamine and Driss Khrouz
    Theme: What if we made the arts and literature the foundation of our horizon?
    Venue: conference room of the Pavillon Commun at 10.45am to 11.45am.

    Remarks by Kebir Mustapha Ammi

    Redefining culture in its diverse forms and addressing crucial issues for the future.

    - New release

    “Adieu Tanger” by Salma El Moumni (Grasset, 2023)
    Moderator: Nadia Paquereau
    Joint Pavilion conference room at 1 p.m. to 2 p.m.

    - Carte Blanche with Chadia Arab (France)
    Guests: Carolina Kobelinsky and Radouane Frikach
    Theme Bodies and Death in Migration: Movements, Practices and Differences.
    Joint Pavilion conference room at 2.30 pm to 3.30 pm.

    Comments by Chadia Arab

    The meeting will be a “cross-examination” between CNRS researcher Carolina Kobelinsky, an anthropologist specializing in politics and migration -in particular of the immigrants dying on Europe’s borders- and Radouane Frikach, head of a funeral parlour and a member of the Muslim cultural association in Trélazé, near the french city of Angers.

    - Carte blanche to Kebir Mustapha Ammi (France)

    Guests: Fouad Bellamine and Driss Khrouz

    Theme: “What if we made the arts and literature the foundation of our horizon?”
    Venue: conference room of the Pavillon Commun at 10.45am to 11.45am.

    Remarks by Kebir Mustapha Ammi

    -New release
    “Adieu Tanger” by Salma El Moumni (Grasset, 2023)
    Moderator: Nadia Paquereau
    Joint Pavilion conference room at 1 p.m. to 2 p.m.

    - Carte Blanche with Chadia Arab (France)
    Guests: Carolina Kobelinsky and Radouane Frikach
    Theme Bodies and Death in Migration: Movements, Practices and Differences.
    Joint Pavilion conference room at 2.30 pm to 3.30 pm.

    Sunday, May 19, 2024

    - One book, one partner
    Presentation of Tanger by Mohamed Métalsi (Malika éditions-CCME, 2024)

    Speakers: Anouar Majid and Mustapha Akalay Nasser
    Room Ofoq, SIEL conferences pavilion, at 12:15 p.m.


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