Friday, 27 September 2024 08:28

Proceedings of the International Symposium, bands, May 21, 2014

The CCME has published a new book entitled : "Moroccan Immigration in Spain: Portraits" which seeks to present to the Moroccan public ,the Moroccans living in Spain who managed the challenge of a positive integration in the host country but are outside the Spectrum of media attention.

Her son was killed in 2012 by the jihadist Mohamed Merah in France. Latifa Ibn Ziaten goes to preach the Islam of tolerance in the abandoned suburbs of the French Republic. Interview.

LOS ANGELES (AP) - Attorneys for the Los Angeles Unified School District will give legal help to some students facing deportation under a newly approved plan.

Terrorism and illegal migration are issues that for Hungary, in its particular position, cannot be handled separately, a government official said in Brussels.

It is a cold day  in Skane county, south of Sweden, but the Brazilian Samba and the Arabic Durbakah is shaking the audience and keeping them warm, composing the background music of Malmo's demonstration against Pegida's first public presence in the third largest city in Sweden.

The Prince of Wales has expressed his alarm at the number of young people in the UK being radicalised and queried why the British values are failing to be taken on board by children who grow up and are schooled in the UK.

Majority Leader Mitch McConnell declared a Senate stalemate Tuesday over immigration provisions attached to a Homeland Security spending bill, and called on the House to make the next move to avoid an agency shutdown.

The Nigerian Immigration Service, Zamfara State Command, has repatriated 450 irregular immigrants from Niger, Cameroon and other neighbouring African countries as part of measures to check the influx of illegal immigrants ahead of the general elections.

When Pope Francis speaks before the U.S. Congress in September, will he take up immigration reform? "If what's happened in recent months serves as a testament to the purpose of Pope Francis," says Gabriel Salguero, president of the National Latino Evangelical Coalition, "he'll defend the same things as the Gospel: the poor, the immigrants and, of course, life."

The home secretary, Theresa May, will on Monday announce a wide-ranging independent review of the welfare of immigrants held in detention centres or set for escort, including prior to deportation.

SALE, Morocco — Morocco announced Monday that 65 percent of migrants applying for legal status were approved — about 18,000 people — in the first year of the country's new immigration policy.

One in two Danish citizens favor a cap on the number of Muslims permitted to live in Denmark, a YouGov poll indicates. The poll, which was conducted for the Danish publication

Israeli government ministers are being warned to prepare for “large-scale immigration” as anti-Semitism rises abroad.

The spread of vibrant social diversity is constricting the GOP’s ability to champion conservative causes, such as smaller government and independent families, President Barack Obama said in a softball media interview.

The U.S. government issued 5.46 million work permits to non-immigrant foreigners from 2009 to 2014, according to a conservative think-tank.

The Australian government has announced a five-year plan to strengthen immigration and border control in Burma.

Since applying for a green card in 2004, India native Vivek Goel earned a second master’s degree, launched a career in software development and conceived a vision for his own consulting business. He is still waiting for the green card.

A resolution demanding passport controls on the Norwegian-Swedish border was drafted during an annual meeting of Norway's Fremskrittspartiet, Vaermlands Folkblad newspaper reported Tuesday.

Rabat – The Moroccan-Jewish couple who wanted to immigrate to Israel following their eviction from an apartment where they had lived for 46 years, have reportedly cancelled their plans to leave the country after receiving a call from the Interior Ministry, Mohammed Hassad, promising them to open an investigation on the subject.

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