Friday, 27 September 2024 06:17

Rabat (MWN)– On September 2013, Morocco has adopted a new asylum policy that allows for the regularisation of refugees who were recognised under UNHCR’s mandate and provides them with a Moroccan refugee card and a residence permit.

The populist and anti-immigrant parties surging in the polls across much of Europe did not even wait to find out the identity of the attackers before deciding exactly who to blame for the massacre of 12 people at the Charlie Hebdo offices in Paris. Within hours of the assault on the French satirical magazine, far-right politicians had variously pointed the finger at migrants, refugees and Islam.

The UKIP leader is accused of attempting to exploit yesterday's brutal massacre, in which 12 people were shot dead, and this morning's shooting in which a policewoman was killed, to gain the political upper-hand.

BERLIN (Reuters) - Chancellor Angela Merkel's conservatives are calling for a broader debate and changes to immigration law after criticism that her government has not done enough to explain to Germans the need for immigrants and let too many unskilled workers in.

Tunis, — The Navy units thwarted, on Wednesday, two illegal immigration attempts of Tunisians off Nabeul and Haouaria.

New immigration laws set to go into effect Jan. 10 will target foreign citizens who overstay the legal period of residence in Russia.

The German Chancellor Angela Merkel has offered only faint hope that David Cameron will find a “common solutions” to concerns raised by the UK about the functioning of the European Union.

The Immigration Department and the Hong Kong Police Force yesterday (January 7) jointly mounted an anti-illegal employment operation codenamed Windsand in Sheung Shui District.

It looks like Theresa May’s Home Office plans to restrict visas of foreign graduates have been derailed by George Osborne.

President Obama pressed Mexico’s president on Tuesday to work alongside the U.S. government to prevent a new surge of illegal immigrants.

House GOP leaders huddled with rank-and-file members Wednesday in search of a strategy for blocking President Obama's recent executive action on immigration policy.

London (Prensa Latina) British Prime Minister David Cameron, today analyze topics related to immigration in the European Union (EU), the Ukrainian crisis and the next G-7 summit with the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, visiting this capital.

BEIRUT (AP) - Lebanon turned back Syrians trying to cross the border Monday under strict new visa regulations, saying it simply cannot handle any more people displaced by the ongoing civil war.

The entrepreneur is banging his drum again about the Government's 'shortsighted vote chasing'. Shame more don't join him.

MIAMI – A total of 481 illegal Cuban immigrants reached or were found on U.S. territory in December 2014, a 117 percent increase compared to the same month a year ago, the U.S. Coast Guard has reported.

BERLIN — The appearance of thousands of anti-immigrant marchers in Dresden has galvanized both sides of the immigration debate in Germany and reignited a discussion about national identity.

Drop in Indian and Pakistani students of 23.5% and 13.4% partly due to growing perception that Britain is not a welcoming place.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel will visit Britain next week for talks with Prime Minister David Cameron.

Sen. Ted Cruz has vowed to make the road to implementing the executive order on immigration very rough for President Barack Obama – so rough, that perhaps the destination will not be reached.

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