Wednesday, 03 July 2024 14:20

Opponents of immigration reform in Congress insist that repealing the president's actions will not only roll back executive overreach, but also benefit the middle class. More legal workers, they claim, have led to stagnant wages. But they are wrong. Since 1980, Americans have faced less competition for jobs from new workers — foreign and domestic.

Australia’s Prime Minister has hit back at allegations of systemic torture in the country’s immigration system by telling the United Nations that Australians are “sick of being lectured” on the subject.

She’s now one of the few journalists from Morocco who are active in the Dutch media. Touria Ahayan, managing editor within the SBS, one of the major television networks in the Netherlands, is to be admired for having a 20 -year long career and making it into the closed world of Dutch media.

The European Union is immersed in a full-fledged migration crisis.

European Commission First Vice President Frans Timmermans added that actual stronger economic growth in Europe - not just talk about it – would be vital to winning over the British public.

The European commission is planning to establish immigrant-processing centres outside the EU for the first time, in a radical policy departure aimed at stemming the movement of hundreds of thousands of people across the Mediterranean.

West Windsor— Close to 100 township workers and emergency responders attended a symposium hosted by the West Windsor Police Department focused on learning about Islam and Muslim culture, police said.

WASHINGTON - The Obama administration asked a federal judge in Texas to decide by Monday whether he will put on hold his prior decision to block the White House's executive orders on immigration, or at least limit the impact to Texas.

 HOUSTON, TX -- Asia Society Texas Center is excited to announce its upcoming exhibition, The Other Side: Chinese and Mexican Immigration to America. Featuring six contemporary artists, the exhibition explores recurring issues of immigration, border relations, and labor practices that have persisted throughout U.S. history and remain timely today. The exhibition will be displayed in Asia Society Texas Center's Louisa Stude Sarofim Gallery from March 28, 2015 through July 19, 2015.

The European Commission has started work on a new European migration policy, just one day after a new tragedy off the coast of Sicily claimed the lives of 10 migrants.

Newly-released figures show that the number of asylum seekers in January was only one fifth of what it was in September, while just three individuals from Eritrea applied for refugee status compared to over 500 in July.

UKIP would remodel the UK's immigration system to resemble the Australian points based system in an effort to get immigration "back to normal", said party leader Nigel Farage.

LEICESTER, England — Thabata Martins says she sent out her résumé more than 100 times in the year after finishing her studies to become a nurse in Spain in 2013.

French Prime Minister Manuel Valls has announced plans to double the number of university courses teaching Islam, in an effort to counter the rise of Islamic extremism and far-right extremism.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel says she wants to examine plans for a sweeping reform of Germany's immigration laws proposed by one of her coalition partners, at the same time rejecting talk of a split in her government on the issue, dpa reported.

The Ghana Immigration Service has attributed the increase in migration of Ghanaians to the Gulf States and other western countries for greener pastures to economic hardships in Ghana.

Houston- A coalition of states suing to stop President Barack Obama's executive action on immigration asked a federal judge Tuesday not to lift a temporary hold on the directives.

Nigel Farage has dropped Ukip’s plan to cap immigration at 50,000 arrivals a year, saying his policy is now just a return to “normality”.

Congress is facing a Friday deadline that would furlough 30,000 unessential workers from the Department of Homeland Security and force the rest of the massive agency to work without a paycheck. The shutdown battle is being waged largely over immigration policy – even though new data suggests the U.S. public as a whole doesn’t share the passion of hardcore conservatives who want to defund Obama’s executive action granting up to 5 million illegal immigrants protection from deportation.

As Florida lawmakers made a last-minute fundraising push on Monday, a group of activists gathered outside the Governor's Club to support immigration reform.

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