Wednesday, 03 July 2024 14:28

A Texas judge says a coalition of states suing to stop President Barack Obama's executive action on immigration has until Monday to respond to a request by the U.S. government to lift a temporary hold of Obama's orders.

U.S. District Judge Andrew Hanen in Brownsville, Texas, set the deadline in a court order he issued Tuesday.

A federal judge last week approved a settlement between the federal government and attorneys for nine undocumented-immigrant plaintiffs who accused the federal government of using deceptive and sometimes coercive tactics to expel them from the country. The settlement allows hundreds, and perhaps thousands, of expelled immigrants to return to the United States to seek legal status.

A rally in support of President Barack Obama's executive order on immigration drew about 300 people on Sunday to the Hope Community Center in Apopka.

House Republican leaders vowed Sunday to keep trying to block President Barack Obama ’s immigration measures as they continue to struggle over how to keep funding the Homeland Security Department.

The Government’s tough rhetoric on immigration is alienating migrant communities and causing “new forms of racism” to break out across the country, a major study will warn today.

The leader of the UK Independence Party is promising a breakthrough in the May parliamentary elections.

Ken Clarke has agreed to leave his role as Justice Secretary but is likely to remain in the Government

Clashes have broken out in Rome on the eve of a rally by Italy's right-wing Northern League party, during a counter-protest by activists opposed to the party's anti-immigrant stand.

As the Republican Congress tried this week to get itself out of the box it put itself in, President Obama was in Miami, aggressively ratcheting up the political pressure on the GOP on the issue underlying the standoff over funding the Department of Homeland Security — immigration. Here are three reasons why the president is winning this fight:

The Hispanic population in the U.S. will have a significant impact on job growth over the next 20 years, and South Florida will play a key role in that job spurt, says a new national study.

Children in immigration detention should be held for no longer than three days, the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists has said in a new position statement.

ASHEVILLE – Paying for college is tough for most anyone. But for Melvis Madrigal and students like him, it's even more challenging.

On immigration reform, rhetoric has often been out of sync with public opinion. Despite roughly three-quarters of Americans supporting the goals behind President Obama’s executive action on immigration, Obama’s new immigration plan has run into repeated Republican roadblocks. Republican governors in 26 states are suing the Obama administration, claiming that the order exceeded Obama’s authority.

David Cameron will go into the May election with net migration to the UK three times as high as he promised at the 2010 election, official figures revealed today.

The Conservatives have failed spectacularly to deliver their pledge to reduce net migration to less than 100,000 a year.

Bavaria is renowned for its world-famous 'Oktoberfest' which attracts hundreds of thousands of foreigners each year. Last week, however, the Christian Social Union (CSU), which rules the state, made clear that only a certain type of foreigner is welcome to stay for longer: Those who speak German.

CAIRO – A semantic battle over the use of language linking Islam to terrorism has been raging recently in Canada, as the country Muslim community called on federal government to stop using these terms which demonize the whole community.

Residents living in an area of Southampton shown in the controversial programme Immigration Street have said it has left the community "fractured" and fearing a backlash.

The Kingdom has intensified efforts to counter extremist groups locally and abroad who are attempting to hijack Islam, the Cabinet said here on Monday.

The United States' long-time policy of automatically granting residence to Cubans who step foot on U.S. soil will not change "any time soon."

The Romanian community in Scotland has hit out at a controversial Channel 4 documentary which focused on poverty stricken gypsy immigrants looking for a better life in the UK.

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