Wednesday, 03 July 2024 06:27

Francisco López-Flores was talking to numerous investors in May to pitch a project to track the economic benefits of immigration reform. However, one potential investor told López-Flores not to waste his time with mere hobbies.

Gardaí and the Immigration services are being singled out as in need of anti-racism training, following a new study.

BURLINGTON — Immigration officials are keeping a close watch on Veronica Morales. Every Monday, she must check in at an office in Burlington. Every Thursday, she waits for hours at home in Lynn in case an immigration contractor drops by. And if that’s not enough, officials attached a GPS device to her ankle.

The population of the UK has hit a record high, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) has said, with the average age also reaching a new peak.

Italy's Prime Minister Matteo Renzi harshly criticized EU leaders for rejecting mandatory migrant quotas amid ongoing divisions over the ways to stop the flow of illegal migrants to Europe's southern shores.

Australian Bureau of Statistics data shows net overseas migration figures continue to decline, with the national total falling by 15% in the last year.

BELGRADE – Serbia intends to organise a regional conference on the problem of illegal migration, Serbian First Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic announced on Friday.

 Switzerland’s government said it will widen talks with the European Union to review a host of issues between the Alpine nation and the bloc in a bid to break a negotiating deadlock over immigration curbs.

(Washington, DC) – The United States Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) decision to scale back its use of family immigration detention could help thousands of children and mothers who are fleeing persecution, Human Rights Watch said today. DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson announced on June 24, 2015, that the Obama administration was committed to “substantial changes” to family immigration detention.

Overseas students are quickly becoming the new standard of immigration here in Canada, notes Instec International Student of Hamilton, Ontario. The opportunities that now exist for foreign students are likely to continue as visiting students become the country’s new immigrants.

BRITAIN is sending a two-mile security fence to France to stop desperate immigrants sneaking over from Calais.

Australia has introduced some new visa policies and adjust some others, which are expected to play an important part in welcoming more Chinese visitors to Australia, Assistant Minister for Immigration and Border Protection Michaelia Cash told Xinhua over the weekend before she departed for her six- day China visit on Sunday.

Immigration into the U.S. from predominately Islamic countries has doubled in more than a decade and that number continues to rise. Some find this number alarming given recent terrorist events worldwide.

Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton arrives at the Aria before speaking at the NALEO conference on Thursday, June 18, 2015. Launch slideshow ».

The problem of refugees and illegal immigrants should be dealt with within the European Union, and putting up fences is not the way to do it, Croatian President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic and her Austrian counterpart Heinz Fischer said in Vienna on Thursday.

The Polish government is more and more firmly opposed to the mandatory migrant settlement quotas proposed by the EU in the light of increasing number of immigrants from Syria and Eritrea.

The United States Supreme Court handed down two important decisions this week, striking down substantive due-process rights for immigrants, but offering procedural protections for immigrants who miss deadlines in deportation proceedings.

BRATISLAVA (Reuters) – Police in Slovakia said on Saturday they detained 60 people at an anti-immigration march in the capital Bratislava after protesters damaged police cars and attacked spectators at a cycling race.

London: Over 30,000 nurses from India and other non-European countries employed with Britain's state-funded National Health Service (NHS) could be forced to leave the UK under new immigration rules.

AS EUROPE struggles to keep Greece from default and to hold its common currency together, violent protests against immigration in Slovakia and election results in Denmark at the weekend have strengthened the forces of disunion unleashed by an impassioned debate over how to deal with a flood of migrants from conflict zones.

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