Wednesday, 03 July 2024 08:25

GENEVA: Hungary's survey of its citizens' views on immigration is "extremely biased" and "absolutely shocking" because of questions that suggest a link between migrants and terrorism, the U.N. human rights office said on Friday.

CANNES: A French thriller spotlighting the plight of traumatised refugees building new lives, “Dheepan”, captured the Palme d’Or top prize at the Cannes Film Festival on Sunday.

The United Nations refugee agency welcomed today the commitment announced by the Foreign Ministers of Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand to resolve the issue of the thousands of refugees and migrants stranded in boats in the Bay of Bengal and off the coast of Southeast Asia.

Visitors pack up New Zealand (L) and Australian flags at the conclusion of the Dawn Service at the Anzac Commemorative Site, which is the main event to commemorate Australian soldiers who died during the Gallipoli campaign, on the campaign's centenary on 25 April 2015 near Eceabat, Turkey.

It's been more than 60 years since Ellis Island closed as a station for inspecting and detaining immigrants. But you can still take a ferry from New York City and cross the Hudson River along the old routes, right to the dock outside a red brick building trimmed with limestone.

Following the Congressional Hispanic Caucus' (CHC) calls for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to end the immigrant family detention program, national organizations have focused the concerns toward the White House.

 A prominent immigration activist has joined Hillary Rodham Clinton’s presidential campaign, bolstering the candidate’s early efforts to win Latino support just two weeks after she visited Las Vegas to call for a pathway to citizenship.

Lorella Praeli leaves a job as policy director for United We Dream, a Washington-based group with a broad national network that advocates for young immigrants.

France gave broad backing on Wednesday to an EU scheme to share out asylum-seekers among EU states to deal with a surge of migrants, after a week of ambiguity that reflected growing public opposition to immigration.

LONDON — Amid rising concern across Europe over immigration, Prime Minister David Cameron will unveil a plan on Thursday that seeks to cut the numbers of migrants coming to Britain and make it harder for foreigners to work here illegally.

BRUSSELS — European foreign and defense ministers agreed on Monday to use naval forces to intercept and disrupt ships used by smugglers of migrants from North Africa, a far more assertive attempt to combat the swelling migration crisis that has led to thousands of deaths at sea.

As illegal immigrants continue to seek legal status under President Obama's executive actions, the waiting list to enter the United States legally grows longer, as does the waiting time for those in the pipeline.

Estonian President Toomas Hendrik Ilves, who started a state visit to Germany on Monday, said after meeting with German President Joachim Gauck, that to understand the attitudes of Estonia towards immigration quota, one must also take into account the Soviet-era mass immigration, LETA/Public Broadcasting reports.

As authorities grapple with the threat posed by Islamic State, there are calls from within the Muslim community to tighten Australia's immigration policies.

Several shelters are to open in Niger in an attempt to curb illegal migration to Europe, the French interior minister has said.

L’afflux des migrants vers l’Europe éveille des craintes chez certains Européens. Plusieurs citoyens ou représentants politiques affirment qu’il faut limiter cette migration, voire renvoyer les Africains dans leur pays d’origine. Pour certains Européens, les migrants prennent leurs emplois, abusent du système social et sont dangereux. Ces peurs sont-elles fondées ?

Overseas students are quickly becoming the new standard of immigration here in Canada, notes Instec International Student of Hamilton, Ontario. The opportunities that now exist for foreign students are likely to continue as visiting students become the country’s new immigrants.

The GOP wanted to talk differently about immigration in 2016. Instead they're trying to avoid talking about it at all

The already backlogged federal immigration courts have reportedly reached an all-time high with more than 445,000 pending cases.

Republicans continue voting against immigration efforts, despite party's efforts to appeal to Latinos

MIAMI - The number of Cuban migrants looking to enter the United States ballooned in early 2015, partly driven by uncertainty over the future of special immigration consideration for Cubans after the two countries announced efforts to improve ties.

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