Wednesday, 03 July 2024 14:16

The majority of US voters think their government should be more aggressive about deporting illegal immigrants, dislike automatic citizenship, and oppose President Obama’s amnesty plan, a new survey shows.

Labour has found common cause with big business in opposing a referendum on membership of the European Union, but both exaggerate the economic risks of such a vote

Advanced industrialized societies are slowly dying because of low fertility rates. The rates reflect the perceptions of women in these societies of how their lifestyles will be affected by having children.

The Russian invasion of Ukraine continues to escalate, with rising military, economic and social costs. In the last year, thousands of people have been killed in the fighting in Eastern Ukraine, with over ten thousand injured and almost one million Ukrainians displaced. Indeed, the conflict marked its one year anniversary with reports of more Ukrainian soldiers being killed.

SACRAMENTO -- Slamming the Republican Congress for dropping the ball on immigration reform, Democratic legislative leaders on Tuesday unveiled a sweeping package of bills that would dramatically expand protections for illegal immigrants far beyond what's offered by any other state.

Several Peruvian clubs could face stiff penalties for fielding foreign players without obtaining work permits, immigration and tax officials said on Tuesday.

The report supports the Obama administration’s plans to shield undocumented immigrants from deportation

Almost half a million undocumented immigrants in California applied for driver’s licenses since a state law took effect at the beginning of the year. The number of applications was double what the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) had projected by this point in the year, according to a DMV announcement.

Starting in May, the spouses of some immigrant tech workers, whose visas haven’t allowed them to work in the U.S., may be able to apply for work permits under President Obama’s executive order on immigration.

A federal judge in Texas denied a Justice Department request Tuesday to lift his temporary hold on President Obama's executive action shielding potentially millions of illegal immigrants from deportation.

Malta is “positively considering” an Italian proposal for the establishment of asylum processing centres outside the European Union, the home affairs minister has told MaltaToday.

The U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Consular Affairs is set to improve its immigrant visa process with a new pilot program and improved communication, which could particularly impact the tech sector.

As of January 1, 2015 migrant workers in Russia were required to pass a history and civics exam, in addition to a Russian language test mandated by a 2012 law, in order to obtain a work permit. This summer, however, the exam is getting tougher with an expanded vocabulary list and five new history questions, tinged with politics.

The Russian government has introduced new bureaucratic barriers that make it both harder and more expensive to receive a Russian work permit.

Greece needs a long-term ‘ national strategy’ to deal with the influx of undocumented migrants from the Middle East, Africa and Asia, Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras said on Tuesday following a meeting in Athens with European Commissioner for Migration, Home Affairs and Citizenship Dimitris Avramopoulos.

Federal authorities are holding fewer immigrants in detention, a reversal in a decade-long upward trend of locking people up who are in the deportation process. The detainees are facing deportation for various reasons, including committing a crime or being in the U.S. illegally.

The cities of Tampa and North Miami have signed onto a friend-of-the-court petition asking for "immediate implementation of President Obama’s executive actions on immigration."

From 6 April, all nationals from outside of Europe, including South Korean nationals, coming to live in the UK for longer than six months will be required to pay a ‘health surcharge’ in order to gain access to the UK’s National Health Service (NHS).

Moving to Russia? Get ready to answer some questions about Soviet dictator Josef Stalin first. And beef up on your knowledge of Crimea while you are at it.

It's "well and good" that Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson says the U.S. is keeping tabs on some 40 Americans who have re-entered the country after traveling to Iraq and Syria to fight with terrorists, but more must be done to keep illegals from crossing the borders, former INS special agent Michael Cutler said Monday on "America's Forum" on Newsmax TV.

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