Wednesday, 03 July 2024 12:32

Central American migrants heading to the United States often risk their lives trekking through jungles and jumping freight trains, only to be nabbed by the US Border Patrol. Now an increasing number are being turned back before they even reach the Rio Grande — by Mexican police.

A Nebraska city’s ordinance that bans renting homes to immigrants living in the country illegally is having little effect because Fremont officials haven’t been able to determine applicants’ citizenship status.

About 80 percent of unaccompanied minors attended their first court hearing between July 18, 2014, and Feb. 24, 2015, according to the U.S. Executive Office for Immigration Review, which oversees immigration courts.

The history of America is rich in stories of immigrants coming with nothing but a small suitcase of clothes and a dream of a better tomorrow. Odds are good that there is a story like this in your family heritage.

Two of the country’s most powerful and politically influential labor unions are backing President Obama in the recent court challenge to his 2014 executive action on illegal immigration, saying they support the president’s effort because "undocumented workers" need more workplace protection and their participation helps the U.S. economy.

Washington — Sen. Marco Rubio's changing stance on immigration has alienated advocates on both sides of the debate, and analysts say the contentious issue could trip up the Florida Republican in his bid to become the first Latino president.

Rubio is expected to officially announce his candidacy Monday in Miami.

Jeff Sessions, a Republican from Alabama, is chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee’s immigration subcommittee.

Hempstead School Board President Lamont Johnson met with community members and parents on Oct. 17, 2014, to discuss the turning away of students throughout the district. A report released Wednesday, April 8, 2015, says the number of unaccompanied immigrant children coming to the U.S. is expected to increase. Photo Credit: Johnny Milano

A coalition of immigration activists, community organizers and unions are rallying around a comprehensive strategy to create millions of new Democratic voters by defending President Obama’s executive orders on immigration and helping illegal immigrants.

More than 250 St. John’s University students, faculty, and administrators joined diplomats, community leaders, and scholars for a two-day conference that explored the economic and social ramifications of rising Hispanic immigration to the United States. 

Rapidly growing numbers of black immigrants have reshaped the overall black population in the United States in recent decades, particularly in Washington and other cities with large U.S.-born African American communities, a new report says.

What many of Gloria Chacon’s young clients don’t know is that she spent her high school years living here illegally.

A Senate committee voted without fanfare Wednesday to advance two immigration-related proposals, paving the way for a floor debate.

With Muslim immigrants streaming into the United States at a rate of 100,000 per year, some of the communities targeted for new arrivals are seeking information on their new neighbors, only to be frustrated by federal bureaucrats and their hired contractors.

President Obama's plan to keep immigrants from being deported continues to be blocked by a federal judge in Brownsville.

A campaign group is making a case for immigration in the UK, saying it is "gravely concerned" by politicians' rhetoric on the issue.

April 9, 2015 Immigration activists made two things clear when they signed a petition asking Sen. Elizabeth Warren to run for president: They want a contested primary, and their support for Hillary Clinton isn't a given.

So far, no issue has divided the GOP more heading into 2016 than immigration. Candidates primed to court the right like Scott Walker are tacking right, while candidates out to court Latino voters and business leaders like Jeb Bush are tacking left.

The number of illegal immigrants trying to get into Germany has reached a record high, according to newly released figures.

In a country ravaged by five years of war and a determined president to crush the revolt, Dr. Zouhair Lahna was brought to the bedside of Syrian survivors. Whether in Sarmada or Al-Dana, this Moroccan gynecologist of 48 years old residing in France has invested repeatedly in humanitarian missions and provided medical training.

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