Wednesday, 03 July 2024 08:43

President Obama's recent overhaul of his deportation rules has electrified the largely partisan debate over immigration policy heading into the next Congress.

Returning to his native Hawaii for his winter vacation, Obama was greeted by a handful of supporters who cheered him for his executive actions on immigration. The group, Hawaii Coalition for Immigration Reform, braved rain and wind Monday to hold signs thanking the president for his decision to shield up to several million undocumented immigrants from deportation.

A federal judge has thrown out a lawsuit brought against Barack Obama by an Arizona police chief who called the US president’s sweeping immigration reforms unconstitutional.

Rabat(MWN) – A recent poll suggested that the majority of highly-trained Moroccans have expressed readiness to leave Morocco and work abroad.

BEIJING (Reuters) - China and Thailand have agreed to step up their cooperation in the fight against illegal immigration and terror, the Chinese government said on Wednesday, as Thailand deals with an influx of Uighurs from China's unruly far western region of Xinjiang.

SANTA FE, N.M. (AP) - New Mexico construction companies are working with immigration rights advocates to discuss how a newly announced overhaul will affect their industry.

Citizenship and Immigration Minister Chris Alexander has instructed immigration officials to launch a one-year pilot program that will allow inland spousal sponsorship applicants to receive a work permit more quickly, Kevin Ménard told CBC News in an email.

A record 17,000 anti-Islamic protesters rallied for their tenth demonstration in as many weeks Monday in eastern Germany, celebrating the rise of their far-right populist movement by singing Christmas carols.

Einstein is being invoked these days in Stockholm. His probably apocryphal saying that insanity is doing the same thing again and again while expecting different results has a special resonance in Swedish politics.

Government Aims to Use Immigration Policy to Support Economic Growth

Overseas students could be sent back to their home countries after their courses finish under new plans reportedly being considered by Home Secretary Theresa May.

It began the year as a relatively quiet issue. Then along came the Ukip surge, a shock European election and two Conservative defections. Here we look back at the last 12 months of immigration.

President Barack Obama has -- in just a few weeks and in spectacular fashion -- turned the tables on US policy toward Latin America, neglected by Washington for much of this century, AFP reports.

The head of the Iranian republic Hassan Rouhani has finally approved the proposal made by the Iranian Minister of Foreign Affairs Mohammed Jawad Darif calling for the appointment of seven new ambassadors in a number of countries, including Morocco.

Rabat (MWN)- The General Consulate of Belgium in Casablanca will be closing its doors temporarily and reorganized for financial reasons, according to a press release issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Belgium.

Rabat(Map) – Nine migrants died, including 3 babies, when their inflatable boat sank off the northern coats of Tangier and Fnideq, local authorities said.

Swiss voters rejected a ­referendum requiring their central bank to hold a portion of its assets in gold, a measure President Thomas ­Jordan termed an "invitation to speculators" that could have hurt the economy. Bullion fell to a three-week low.

Thursday marked "a great day for expats" as the Danish parliament agreed to implement dual citizenship. The Local spoke to supporters and detractors of dual citizenship about the change.

Washington (AP)— Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson says the Obama administration's decision to renew diplomatic ties with Cuba won't impact immigration rules just yet.

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