Saturday, 27 July 2024 04:13

Pedro Rivera is 53 years old, Hispanic, and a retired military man. He's also part of a growing number of Hispanic Texans pushing for stronger immigration enforcement, including the passage of SB 185, which would stop cities from implementing policies banning local cops from asking immigration-related questions.

A court hearing has been set for April 17 on whether a temporary hold on President Barack Obama's immigration executive action should be lifted, a federal appeals court announced Tuesday.

At its meeting in Paris on 23 March, the Committee on Migration, Refugees and Displaced Persons appointed Doris Fiala (Switzerland, ALDE) as General rapporteur on Ending Immigration Detention of Children Campaign.

Thousands of international students were rejected for permanent residence this winter, caught up in changes to Canada’s immigration system intended to speed up recruitment of skilled workers but criticized as leading to uncertainty for prospective immigrants and employers.

LONDON – Indian-American author Akhil Sharma won the 40,000 pound ($60,000) Folio Prize for fiction Monday with “Family Life,” the autobiographical story of an immigrant family floundering in America that took him almost 13 years to write.

Police departments across the country are looking to put immigrants on its workforce, USA Today reported. Most agencies require officers to be U.S. citizens, but some are allowing green card holders and other immigrants legally allowed to work in the country to join the ranks.

 The number of students graduating with STEM degrees already far exceeds the number of STEM jobs available but powerful interests in the business community are pushing Congress to allow more foreign skilled workers into the country.

Rick Santorum isn’t just against illegal immigration. The potential Republican presidential candidate also would like to reduce the number of legal immigrants who come to this country each year.

When I was growing up in the 1980s, I watched my grandfather — my dad’s stepdad — struggle with his own prejudice. He was a blue-collar World War II veteran who loved his family above all things and was constantly afraid for them. He carried a gun and, like many men of his generation, saw threats in people he didn’t understand:

Sen. Ted Cruz announced a bid for the White House on Monday, drawing praise from grass-roots conservatives but a fierce backlash from Hispanic groups that said they were appalled at the prospect of the first Hispanic to announce for president this cycle being such a firm champion of a crackdown on illegal immigrants.

Governors and attorneys general representing 26 states Monday formally urged a federal appeals court not to stay a judge's injunction barring President Barack Obama from going forward with a series of immigration policy changes aimed at giving quasi-legal status and work permits to millions more illegal immigrants.

It is sometimes claimed that there has been no discussion about immigration. On the contrary, for at least a generation it has been talked about relentlessly.

REGINA - Saskatchewan is streamlining rules for entrepreneurs who want to immigrate to the province.

Per Jönsson, a middle east expert at the Swedish Institute of International Affairs, described the move as a "major escalation".

Members of Identity Ireland, which advocates for tighter immigration controls and an exit from the European Union, gathered at Jury’s Inn Hotel on Parnell Street to hear an address from the group’s founding member Peter O’Loughlin.

Eurotunnel, which runs trains between Folkestone and Calais, revealed that most car drivers.

A number of protesters at the Yongah Hill detention facility in Northam have been removed from the facility by the Australian Federal Police after up to 30 people reportedly took to the rooftops for a second night of protesting.

In the latest attempt by elected officials to reach America’s youth, the House Judiciary Committee has posted a critique of Barack Obama’s immigration stance that relies heavily on gifs of young white celebrities.

President Obama’s immigration policies suffered a rough week, faltering in the courts, taking fire on Capitol Hill, angering his political base and even having his own deportation chief undercut his message as he struggles to find a middle-ground path to overhaul the nation’s immigration system.

Prague - The number of the Czech Republic´s inhabitants is again rising, having reached 10,538,300 in 2014, which was 25,900 more than in 2013 and the highest increase since 2010, the Czech Statistical Office (CSU) said today.

Lagos — There were indications at the weekend that the Nigeria Immigration Service (NIS) may have started restricting unmarried Nigerians, especially ladies below the age of 40 ,who do not have genuine reasons from travelling to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) for fear of engaging in prostitution and other activities that may dent the image of the country.

Quebec – Parti Quebecois leadership hopeful Pierre Karl Peladeau apologized on Thursday after saying a day earlier that immigration was hurting the sovereignty movement.

The eurozone may have little choice but to encourage higher levels of immigration if it is to avoid decades of very low economic growth that will leave it with high levels of debt, according to a paper published on Friday by two Irish economists.

The office of New York City Comptroller Scott M. Stringer is publishing "The Immigrants Rights and Services Manua."

Julio Cesar Estelar packed his bags, forked over thousands of pesos and set out for the U.S.-Mexico border at Tijuana.

In the wake of an increased enrollment of unaccompanied minors who traveled from Central America to the U.S., often to escape violence and reunite with family members, it is hard to get a clear picture of how schools have fared.

Former Czech President Vaclav Klaus said that Europe has fallen into its own trap: for years it has been attracting immigrants and now trying to grapple with the surge of migrants.

 “Out of 15 domestic issues, Americans’ concerns about terrorism and race relations have risen most sharply over the past year. The percentage of Americans who worry “a great deal” about the possibility of a terrorist attack (51 percent) climbed 12 percentage points from 2014 to 2015, while concerns about race relations (28 percent) surged 11 points.

A remarkable new map of Britain shows how the nation was forged by successive waves of immigration from continental Europe over 10,000 years since the end of the last Ice Age.

In a classroom of the Catholic University of Paris, overlooking the dome of a 17th century church, three Muslim women from Algeria are poring over the origins of the word "secularism."

There's a fascinating paragraph buried in the Office for Budget Reponsibility's Economic and Fiscal Outlook, the assessment of the economy it publishes alongside the Budget.

The executive chairman at Google urged Congress on Wednesday to increase the number of high-skilled work visas made available to foreigners and to deal with other immigration issues later on.

Eurotunnel passengers are set for miserable cross-Channel disruption because of immigration exit checks — but investors celebrated better news, with a 20% dividend hike after annual profits almost doubled.

WASHINGTON -- A group of Republican lawmakers are urging an appeals court not to let the Obama administration expand deportation relief and work authorization for undocumented immigrants with long-standing ties to the U.S.

The Danish People’s Party (DF), who have become increasingly popular with their combination of common-sense rhetoric and outspoken criticism of mass immigration, want to support Muslims who secretly wish to escape their faith.

As the ongoing battle over immigration continues, some immigrants in the U.S. who are documented have reportedly been denied driver’s licenses.

Long Island construction worker Wilfredis Ayala was in immigration custody in Alabama last fall when President Obama announced that parents of U.S. citizens could get work permits and temporary permission to stay in America.

The immigration rights activists who blocked two buses carrying roughly 70 undocumented men and women to Operation Streamline proceedings two years ago have been acquitted of all but two charges.

Pretoria, South Africa — On 16 March 2015 UK Visas & Immigration will launch a new 24-hour Super Priority Visa service in South Africa.

Wednesday, 18 March 2015 12:26

Curbs on immigration will hurt business: EIC

Despite Singapore's moves to tighten immigration in recent years, the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) yesterday said it believed the rules would have to be eased in the future for the country to stay economically competitive.

The Taoiseach told US President Barack Obama that Ireland will be heavily involved in lobbying for reform of the American immigration system.

Today the Senate Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest held a hearing on the displacement of American workers through the H-1B and related guest worker programs.

Wednesday, 18 March 2015 12:25

GOP divided on immigration changes

A bipartisan Senate bill aiming to increase the number of high-skilled visas doled out by the federal government is running up against Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa).

Tuesday, 17 March 2015 12:48

Nine Ukip immigration policies explained

Exploring Ukip immigration policy, Michael Wilkinson reveals the party's manifesto highlights. Is it racist? What would the first 100 days of a Ukip government be like?

The three-day event, running Friday-Sunday, was organized by the Institute for Justice and Journalism and the UA. It is aimed at journalists, activists and programmers, but everyone in the community is invited to participate.

Youth leaders will speak out on behalf of Max Villatoro — an Iowa pastor and father of four whose deportation to Honduras has been scheduled for Tuesday — in downtown Iowa City on Tuesday afternoon.

Families catching ferries to France should set off “earlier” than normal when new exit checks come into force next month, the immigration minister has indicated.

With the current spats between Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the White House over Iran dominating the headlines and speculation about the Israeli elections that will occur on Tuesday, it was easy to miss two small news items from Israel. One reported Israel’s allocation of $46 million to encourage European immigration. The other, buried in the middle of a report on Netanyahu’s visit – reported that “as a gesture of good will” toward President Obama, after nine-years of refusal, Netanyahu had agreed to grant the newly-built Palestinian city of Rawabi access to water.

It was personal for Felice Gorordo, the son of Cuban immigrants, when he decided to join a start-up that endeavored to streamline immigration. “I wanted the start-up to be a real game changer,” says Gorordo, President and CEO of Clearpath Immigration, a simplified online solution to immigration document filing.

For the past month, millions of undocumented immigrants have been left in legal limbo thanks to a court fight between the White House and 26 states.

Israel is anticipating a surge in immigration from Europe this year after terrorist attacks in France and Denmark, a development that would complicate government efforts to slow the growth of property prices.

SAN ANTONIO - Protesters gather in downtown San Antonio Sunday in opposition of a bill filed in the Texas Senate that takes aim at so-called "sanctuary" cities.

Despite being couched in myths, immigration is firmly on the political agenda as the UK General Election approaches. It was therefore unsurprising to find it also on the programme for the Southbank Centre’s fifth annual Women of the World festival (WOW).

It was 8 p.m. last Wednesday inside a Manhattan office building, and Modesta Toribio would not let the men in the room rest. She was directing a presentation about immigration reform for a dozen carwasheros, workers from Latin America who toil in the city’s carwash industry.

 “Supposing you put all those people from Eastern Europe back out of Britain again would we be a stronger better country? The answer is no.”

The number of foreigners living in Germany grew at the fastest rate in more than two decades last year, the Statistics office said on Monday, data that is likely to fuel an already heated debate on immigration.

The children of new immigrants coming to Britain should not immediately be allowed to attend state schools, Nigel Farage has suggested. The Ukip leader made the comments when asked about a policy on the party’s website saying immigrants and their dependants would need private education for five years after entering the UK.

California and 13 other states say they'd benefit from Obama's program to defer deportation of some immigrants

Nine weeks to go to Britain’s general election; and just for a moment, a few days ago, all was sweetness and light in the camp of Ukip, the anti-European-Union party that has spent the last five years shaking up English politics, and capitalising on the mad-as-hell disaffection of an elderly and socially conservative segment of the voting public.

Our two leading political parties have refrained from indulging in inhumane rhetoric

Fourteen-year-old Elizita sat in a courtroom next to her father on Thursday as an immigration judge called the names and case numbers of children like herself who had entered the country illegally and unaccompanied through the southwest border.

UK Visas & Immigration ("UKVI") has recently announced a number of changes to the UK's immigration rules. Most of these changes will take effect from 6 April 2015 and will apply to new applications or extensions of existing visas made on or after that date. Existing visas and applications submitted prior to 6 April will be subject to the existing visa rules.

Australian Immigration Minister Peter Dutton has heaped praise on the Cambodian government, which last month deported dozens of Montagnard asylum seekers back to Vietnam, as a “very responsible” partner in refugee resettlement.

A recent think-tank report estimated that Finland needs to nearly double current annual immigration levels to ensure its workforce doesn't shrink in the near future -- and to help foot the bill for future public spending.

More than 100 protesters from Southern Nevada stormed the office of Attorney General Adam Laxalt this morning, demanding to speak to Laxalt about a federal lawsuit that has put a hold on executive actions on immigration.

The voices of people locked up in Britain's immigration detention centres are being heard through social media. Detainees are posting live updates of their hunger strike and personal plights on Twitter and Facebook.

Nigel Farage has warned there is rising public concern about immigration partly because people believe there are some Muslims who want to form “a fifth column and kill us”, and that there has never before been a migrant group that wants to “change who we are and what we are”.

One of the most frustrating aspects of immigration is how long it takes to get approved. This is particularly so in spousal sponsorship cases. For example, let’s say an American marries a Canadian. Where do they stand in terms of processing times for their cases?

Despite a decrease in illegal border crossings, summer months are expected to bring an uptick in numbers.

Wednesday, 11 March 2015 13:03

Balancing Islam and Middle School in Queens

Somewhere between stepping off the school bus and climbing into the go-kart, Sandra Ibrahim, 14, took off her pink hijab. She was on a trip to an indoor amusement park in New Rochelle, N.Y., with her Islamic weekend school, surrounded by other Muslim children, parents and teachers. She knew the adults would like her to keep the head scarf on. But there she was, zooming along the track, her dark brown ponytail swinging freely behind her.

After President Obama in November announced plans to shelter millions of people from the threat of deportation, immigration officials wasted no time in carrying them out.

Immigration authorities said Monday that they arrested 2,059 foreigners who were convicted criminals during a five-day nationwide operation in early March, including more than 1,000 people who had committed felonies, among them 58 gang members and 89 sex offenders.

Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond believes that European countries will help to curb the number of immigrants who come to Britain.

Eight suspected illegal immigrants have been released on bail after they were allegedly found banging against the walls of a trailer.

Swiss voters overwhelmingly rejected proposals on Sunday to boost gold reserves and impose strict new curbs on immigration, averting a potential nightmare for policymakers struggling with a popular backlash against the country's open borders.

Top immigration officials said Monday that the U.S. rounded up about 2,000 people who had been convicted of crimes and are living in the country illegally, an announcement made in part to show that agents are still aggressive about enforcement at a time of declining deportations.

A growing number of German lawmakers from across the political spectrum agree on one thing: It’s time for the country to be a little more like Canada.

A new research project is measuring what issues are dominating the discussion of the UK public as the general election nears.

Several potential Republican nominees for president converged on the Iowa Agricultural Summit to lay out their message and position themselves for a general election race in 2016. While several potential candidates laid out their position on illegal immigration, ranging from enforcement of existing laws to amnesty for illegal aliens, only a few spoke on legal immigration.

Athens - Greece has long been a destination and transit point for migrants from Senegal to Pakistan because of its long coastline with numerous islands as well as its border with Turkey beckoning migrants from Asia.

Official figures show 187,370 Romanians and Bulgarians were given National Insurance numbers over the course of 2014 after immigration rules were relaxed, up from 27,700 during the previous year

Two decades after the end of the Balkan conflict, a three-year spasm of ethnic and religious bloodletting that came to define modern-day genocide, the war in Bosnia is still being fought in the United States.

The rift over immigration in the emerging Republican presidential field opened up publicly Saturday, as several potential candidates called for enforcement of existing laws while former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and South Carolina Sen. Lindsay Graham said those living in the U.S. illegally should have a path to legal status.

The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Public Security, and the Ministry of Culture jointly issued a Notice on the Relevant Formalities for Foreigners Entering China for Completing Short-Term Work Assignment (for Trial Implementation) ("Notice") on 6 November 2014 which provides for new visa and residence requirements on foreigners entering and staying in China for work for no more than 90 days. The Notice has become effective since 1 January 2015.

Immigration chiefs are launching a crackdown on sham marriages after it was revealed around 11 fake weddings are reported by registrars every week.

Opponents of immigration reform in Congress insist that repealing the president's actions will not only roll back executive overreach, but also benefit the middle class. More legal workers, they claim, have led to stagnant wages. But they are wrong. Since 1980, Americans have faced less competition for jobs from new workers — foreign and domestic.

Australia’s Prime Minister has hit back at allegations of systemic torture in the country’s immigration system by telling the United Nations that Australians are “sick of being lectured” on the subject.

She’s now one of the few journalists from Morocco who are active in the Dutch media. Touria Ahayan, managing editor within the SBS, one of the major television networks in the Netherlands, is to be admired for having a 20 -year long career and making it into the closed world of Dutch media.

The European Union is immersed in a full-fledged migration crisis.

European Commission First Vice President Frans Timmermans added that actual stronger economic growth in Europe - not just talk about it – would be vital to winning over the British public.

The European commission is planning to establish immigrant-processing centres outside the EU for the first time, in a radical policy departure aimed at stemming the movement of hundreds of thousands of people across the Mediterranean.

West Windsor— Close to 100 township workers and emergency responders attended a symposium hosted by the West Windsor Police Department focused on learning about Islam and Muslim culture, police said.

WASHINGTON - The Obama administration asked a federal judge in Texas to decide by Monday whether he will put on hold his prior decision to block the White House's executive orders on immigration, or at least limit the impact to Texas.

 HOUSTON, TX -- Asia Society Texas Center is excited to announce its upcoming exhibition, The Other Side: Chinese and Mexican Immigration to America. Featuring six contemporary artists, the exhibition explores recurring issues of immigration, border relations, and labor practices that have persisted throughout U.S. history and remain timely today. The exhibition will be displayed in Asia Society Texas Center's Louisa Stude Sarofim Gallery from March 28, 2015 through July 19, 2015.

The European Commission has started work on a new European migration policy, just one day after a new tragedy off the coast of Sicily claimed the lives of 10 migrants.

Newly-released figures show that the number of asylum seekers in January was only one fifth of what it was in September, while just three individuals from Eritrea applied for refugee status compared to over 500 in July.

UKIP would remodel the UK's immigration system to resemble the Australian points based system in an effort to get immigration "back to normal", said party leader Nigel Farage.

LEICESTER, England — Thabata Martins says she sent out her résumé more than 100 times in the year after finishing her studies to become a nurse in Spain in 2013.

French Prime Minister Manuel Valls has announced plans to double the number of university courses teaching Islam, in an effort to counter the rise of Islamic extremism and far-right extremism.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel says she wants to examine plans for a sweeping reform of Germany's immigration laws proposed by one of her coalition partners, at the same time rejecting talk of a split in her government on the issue, dpa reported.

The Ghana Immigration Service has attributed the increase in migration of Ghanaians to the Gulf States and other western countries for greener pastures to economic hardships in Ghana.

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