Saturday, 27 July 2024 04:30

One of Switzerland’s largest and most influential political parties says it may call for a national re-vote on an initiative to curb immigration.

Nationalist monks are behind new powers enabling authorities to ‘organise’ family planning among groups with high birth rates such as Rohingyas.

GENEVA: Hungary's survey of its citizens' views on immigration is "extremely biased" and "absolutely shocking" because of questions that suggest a link between migrants and terrorism, the U.N. human rights office said on Friday.

CANNES: A French thriller spotlighting the plight of traumatised refugees building new lives, “Dheepan”, captured the Palme d’Or top prize at the Cannes Film Festival on Sunday.

The United Nations refugee agency welcomed today the commitment announced by the Foreign Ministers of Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand to resolve the issue of the thousands of refugees and migrants stranded in boats in the Bay of Bengal and off the coast of Southeast Asia.

Visitors pack up New Zealand (L) and Australian flags at the conclusion of the Dawn Service at the Anzac Commemorative Site, which is the main event to commemorate Australian soldiers who died during the Gallipoli campaign, on the campaign's centenary on 25 April 2015 near Eceabat, Turkey.

It's been more than 60 years since Ellis Island closed as a station for inspecting and detaining immigrants. But you can still take a ferry from New York City and cross the Hudson River along the old routes, right to the dock outside a red brick building trimmed with limestone.

Following the Congressional Hispanic Caucus' (CHC) calls for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to end the immigrant family detention program, national organizations have focused the concerns toward the White House.

Money transfers to Morocco by Moroccan expats continue to grow despite the ongoing economic crisis. The ministry in charge of Moroccans living abroad has unveiled interesting figures: this year, the total amount transferred is close to 60 billion dirhams, an increase of 7.6% over the previous year.

 A prominent immigration activist has joined Hillary Rodham Clinton’s presidential campaign, bolstering the candidate’s early efforts to win Latino support just two weeks after she visited Las Vegas to call for a pathway to citizenship.

Lorella Praeli leaves a job as policy director for United We Dream, a Washington-based group with a broad national network that advocates for young immigrants.

France gave broad backing on Wednesday to an EU scheme to share out asylum-seekers among EU states to deal with a surge of migrants, after a week of ambiguity that reflected growing public opposition to immigration.

LONDON — Amid rising concern across Europe over immigration, Prime Minister David Cameron will unveil a plan on Thursday that seeks to cut the numbers of migrants coming to Britain and make it harder for foreigners to work here illegally.

BRUSSELS — European foreign and defense ministers agreed on Monday to use naval forces to intercept and disrupt ships used by smugglers of migrants from North Africa, a far more assertive attempt to combat the swelling migration crisis that has led to thousands of deaths at sea.

As illegal immigrants continue to seek legal status under President Obama's executive actions, the waiting list to enter the United States legally grows longer, as does the waiting time for those in the pipeline.

Estonian President Toomas Hendrik Ilves, who started a state visit to Germany on Monday, said after meeting with German President Joachim Gauck, that to understand the attitudes of Estonia towards immigration quota, one must also take into account the Soviet-era mass immigration, LETA/Public Broadcasting reports.

As authorities grapple with the threat posed by Islamic State, there are calls from within the Muslim community to tighten Australia's immigration policies.

Several shelters are to open in Niger in an attempt to curb illegal migration to Europe, the French interior minister has said.

L’afflux des migrants vers l’Europe éveille des craintes chez certains Européens. Plusieurs citoyens ou représentants politiques affirment qu’il faut limiter cette migration, voire renvoyer les Africains dans leur pays d’origine. Pour certains Européens, les migrants prennent leurs emplois, abusent du système social et sont dangereux. Ces peurs sont-elles fondées ?

Overseas students are quickly becoming the new standard of immigration here in Canada, notes Instec International Student of Hamilton, Ontario. The opportunities that now exist for foreign students are likely to continue as visiting students become the country’s new immigrants.

The GOP wanted to talk differently about immigration in 2016. Instead they're trying to avoid talking about it at all

The already backlogged federal immigration courts have reportedly reached an all-time high with more than 445,000 pending cases.

Republicans continue voting against immigration efforts, despite party's efforts to appeal to Latinos

MIAMI - The number of Cuban migrants looking to enter the United States ballooned in early 2015, partly driven by uncertainty over the future of special immigration consideration for Cubans after the two countries announced efforts to improve ties.

Moroccan authorities said Tuesday that they had foiled a fresh bid at illegal immigration by 22 sub-Saharan Africans.

Prague - The Czech Republic wants to help refugees on the basis of sovereign government decisions, not of EU mechanisms, Prime Minister Bohuslav Sobotka said today, insisting on the Czech Republic's rejection of the compulsory quotas for the immigrants.

President Rafael Correa urged the entire international community to examine discriminatory immigration policies. Ecuadorean President Rafael Correa announced Saturday that the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) will provide assistance to the thousands of Asian immigrants stranded off the coast of Thailand.

Lithuania must be ready to share the burden of immigration together with other European Union member states, Algirdas Butkevicius, Lithuania's prime minister, said on Thursday.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement released a new set of "reforms" to its detention facilities on Wednesday for families and children (the ones they created to "respond" to influx of unaccompanied minors and women from Central America) as they wait for their immigration hearings.

KUALA LUMPUR: The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has offered the Malaysian government support and expertise to help deal with the ongoing migrant humanitarian crisis in the region, while urging the country to pay particular attention to the plight of the Rohingyas.

More than 3,900 people -- including 1,650 illegal immigrants -- have been arrested in South Africa during a controversial police crackdown after April's deadly xenophobic violence, authorities said Sunday.

"We are satisfied that we have stabilised the situation and further loss of life has been prevented," a government statement said.

The terrible challenge of thousands of migrants endangering their lives to cross the Mediterranean has increasingly shaken the international community in recent years.

U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson testifies at a Senate Appropriations hearing on the Obama administration's "Emergency Supplemental Request for Unaccompanied Children and Related Matters" in Washington, on July 10, 2014. Reuters/Yuri Gripas

An anticipated flood of illegal immigrant children crossing the U.S. southeastern border, similar to the surge of crossings seen last summer, has yet to materialize this year. The U.S. Customs and Border Protection agency says unaccompanied children were crossing in 2015 at rates that are staggeringly lower than in 2014 and 2013, the Washington Times reported.

A huge influx of foreign workers is threatening the economy by holding down wages, the head of the Bank of England warned yesterday.

Thursday, 14 May 2015 14:31

Malaysia govt's migrant deluge woes

Putrajaya has been forced into overdrive as it prepares to cope with a sudden deluge of illegal immigrants, a situation Malaysia has not faced in a long time.

Terry Garcia plays with his son, Eli, 1, at the Festival Viva Mexico 2013 on Sunday, Sept. 8, 2013, in advance of Mexican Independence Day at a former greyhound racetrack in Corpus Christi.

WASHINGTON -- Immigration and Customs Enforcement attempted on Wednesday to mitigate growing complaints over its detention of women and children. But critics of the policy, including House Democrats, weren't satisfied.

New asylum data showing unequal distribution of asylum grants across European Union hands George Osborne, the Chancellor, new argument against Brussels

Hillary Clinton has spent her nascent campaign staking out positions to the left of where President Clinton stood on free trade, crime prevention and same-sex marriage. As of last week, we can add immigration reform to the list.

Pope Francis could wade into the American immigration debate during his visit to the U.S. in September, when he is expected to comment on a report on immigration detention centers by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. The 44-page report released Monday called for the government’s immigration detention system to be dismantled, arguing that the facilities “undermine families and harm children.”

In a 3-to-2 vote, Los Angeles County supervisors voted to cancel a 2005 agreement with Immigration and Customs Enforcement and release 12 deputies from duty.

 “UK Border” is the sign that greets passengers arriving at Heathrow. The airport is not on the border. It is in a west London suburb. But the wording carries a message: “You are approaching a barrier. Do not expect an easy time.”

Japan should fix its shrinking workforce by enabling women to work, before turning to the ‘Pandora’s box’ of immigration, the country’s minister for the empowerment of women said in an interview last week.

The plan, driven by Jean-Claude Juncker, head of the European Commission, is “practically seen as a declaration of war”, senior EU official says

Figures from the Department of Work and Pensions revealed two of west London's areas have some of the highest levels of immigration in the UK

WASHINGTON— Immigration activists are trying to use Hillary Rodham Clinton's stance on immigration to pressure President Barack Obama to do more for immigrants.

A proposal which would require all 28 members states of the EU to accept a mandatory quota of migrants has divided opinion, with experts warning it could provide a boost for anti-immigration parties across Europe.

Anti-immigrant violence in South Africa is threatening the African National Congress' tenuous hold on power. The most recent wave of attacks has resulted in the deaths of at least seven African immigrants. Attacks on immigrant-owned shops across the country started in April in poorer townships around Durban and spread to other cities in the eastern provinces of Gauteng and KwaZulu-Natal. Though this year's outbreak of xenophobic violence in South Africa has killed fewer than a similar surge in 2008, it is indicative of widely felt frustration in the face of an economic downturn.

LONDON — As Europe struggles to address a worsening migration crisis, the executive arm of the European Union is expected this week to submit a proposal to distribute migrants across the 28-member bloc, officials said on Monday, a plan that would encounter fierce resistance from some national governments.

Tuesday, 12 May 2015 12:50

Cameron bares teeth over EU migration

The first days in office are challenging for any new government and this will certainly be a busy week for UK Prime Minister David Cameron - who, amongst other things, says he has already rolled up his sleeves to change the UK's relationship with Europe.

Fueled by newly arrived immigrants, workers ages 18-34 have taken over as the dominant generation in the United States workforce, according to a new Pew Research survey.

Top Republicans in Congress on Monday entered the court battle over President Obama's latest moves to ease deportations for immigrants living in the country illegally.

Eastern Europe is warning David Cameron against meddling with “sacrosanct” migrant worker rights, as the newly re-elected prime minister prepares to renegotiate Britain’s EU membership terms.

New immigrants in the U.K. could see their benefits delayed four years under Prime Minister David Cameron's immigration reform plan. In many cases, they may be denied entry into the United Kingdom altogether.

Altogether 6,499 Jews arrived in Israel between January and March. The vast majority came from Europe, but the only substantial increase came from Eastern Europe with numbers from Western Europe remaining steady.

Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton will have a formidable weapon to disarm Republican anti-immigration candidates who want to virtually seal the U.S. southern border — there are already more Chinese than Mexican immigrants who enter the United States every year.

Member countries are deeply divided over proposals that would distribute asylum seekers more equitably across the union.

Millions of undocumented immigrants — and legions of immigration lawyers — are holding their breath. Last November they embarked on a legal roller coaster ride when President Barack Obama issued an executive action granting an estimated 5 million undocumented parents of U.S. citizen children temporary relief from deportation — a legal move that immigration scholars are increasingly starting to question.

That’s the feeling among activists who met with two high-level federal officials this week in California to discuss the Priority Enforcement Program (PEP), a new version of the government’s immigration enforcement partnership with local police.

To understand the Uzbek community of Brooklyn, sit down and share a cup of tea with some of them. Please, drink. They pride themselves on hospitality, and to refuse would be impolite.

In August 2014 Yasuyuki Kaneko, a city councillor for Sapporo, sparked intense controversy by tweeting ‘there are no such people as the Ainu any more, are there? [But] they constantly demand rights they don’t deserve. How can this be reasonable?’

LONDON — Many embattled immigrants here feel they are being blamed for everything from traffic jams to crowded schools and hospitals. But as Britain’s bitterly divisive general election campaign draws to a close, some are now pushing back.

When U.K. voters go to the polls  May 7, one of the major issues they’ll be thinking about is immigration. A big story in this election is the increased popularity of the U.K. Independence Party (UKIP, whose leader Nigel Farage is pictured above) as they have criticized the government for allowing too many immigrants from other E.U. countries and thus allegedly jeopardizing the job prospects of native Britons and undercutting the National Health Service. Indeed, though UKIP has plenty of detractors, surveys indicate that they are the party most trusted to control immigration. UKIP has also been punching above its weight on social media, and were at one point the most talked-about party on social media.

A battle is brewing in the Republican Party over whether illegal immigrants granted deferred deportation by President Obama should be eligible to serve in the military.

ROME, Italy– An uninterrupted flood of illegal immigrants continues to issue forth from Africa into Italy, with this past weekend’s count now nearing 6,000 refugees.

Lagos - The United States of America and the United Kingdom top the list of countries most Nigerians abroad live in compared to other countries in the world.

Wealthy people in Asia are investing more in their children's education, with those in China favoring having their children study overseas with other students of the same social status, according to Shanghai's China Business News.

BERLIN - Police in western Germany said on Wednesday that unidentified arsonists had set fire overnight to housing being prepared for aslyum-seekers, causing 50,000 euros worth of damage, before fleeing the scene in a car.

CAPE TOWN, May 5 (Xinhua) -- Plans are advanced for the establishment of South Africa's Border Management Agency (BMA) led by the Department of Home Affairs to curb illegal immigration, State Security Minister David Mahlobo said on Tuesday.

Some 750 asylum seekers living in Australian government detention on the tiny Pacific island nation of Nauru face an impossible choice. They can stay on Nauru in squalid conditions. Or they can be resettled, of all places, in impoverished Cambodia — a country with a long record of human-rights abuses, where refugees are discriminated against and the chances of finding work are slim.

For many in Britain, the European Union’s cherished principle of free movement is perhaps the most controversial.

 Move over, Mexico. When it comes to sending immigrants to the U.S., China and India have taken the lead.

A 2015 May Day rally in Los Angeles. May 1, the International Workers Day everywhere but the U.S., has become associated with immigration as well as labor issues.

A new report shows that Jewish immigration to Israel from around the world rose more than 40 percent in the first three months of 2015, the UK’s Guardian reported on Sunday.

Immigration policy has been among the most rancorous of U.S. political issues in recent years. What has been fueling America's contentious debates over the topic?

Hungary needs legislation to keep out a wave of immigrants from poor countries, even if it would run counter to existing European Union rules, Prime Minister Viktor Orban has said.

European Commission chief Jean-Claude Juncker on Wednesday urged EU nations to increase legal immigration in a bid to avoid more migrant deaths in the Mediterranean.

Juncker's comments angered his own centre-right party in the European Parliament, in Strasbourg, France, where he made the comments.

THE Bureau of Immigration in India is providing gratis visas for all tourists stranded in Nepal after Saturday's earthquake that caused widespread damage and over 4,000 deaths.

DETROIT — At about 1 p.m. on the afternoon of April 27, a group of local and federal law enforcement officers arrived at Kevin Kellom’s home, a two-story house with beige siding on the outskirts of northwest Detroit.

If you move to Australia from a non English speaking country you will be widely welcomed but also find that the majority of Australians expect you to speak in the language, a new poll suggests.

Collaboration between universities in Europe and Asia can help improve quality of education, student mobility and ultimately the employability of graduates, a conference of Asian and European higher education ministers held in Riga, Latvia heard this week.

Approximately 350,000 to 400,000 children are born to illegal immigrants in the U.S. each year. Due to current policy, all automatically become U.S. citizens, Center for Immigration Studies legal policy analyst Jon Feere testified before a House panel Wednesday.

The oft-repeated claim by leaders from Asia that declining population in western countries would pose a challenge in the near future has been challenged by experts at Oxford who argue that the western population is in fact growing. Surprisingly, it is declining in south India, they said.

Tens of thousands of Cambodians are paying to be smuggled into other south-east Asian countries to work illegally, as Australia prepares to send refugees to their country from Nauru.

Germany's population will shrink more slowly than expected over the next 45 years thanks to high levels of immigration, the country's statistics office said on Tuesday.

A new poll shows Australians strongly support immigration, with nearly nine in 10 people thinking immigrants improve Australian society.

Report by MigrationWatch UK says official data reveals the majority of new households created since 1997 have a foreign-born figurehead

Last Monday, Scott Walker, Wisconsin's Republican governor and a presumed GOP presidential hopeful, kicked the hornets' nest that is the immigration debate.

Some European Countries, like Greece and Italy, are less receptive to immigrants

The European Union should protect its borders against immigration using military force because it doesn’t need new migrants, Hungary’s prime minister said the day after EU leaders agreed to increase funding to keep migrants from dying while trying to cross the Mediterranean.

Human smuggling networks are exploiting rising migration within Asia, leaving growing numbers of migrants at risk of being trafficked and abused, the United Nations said on Tuesday.

Friday marks the 100th anniversary of the Armenian genocide at the hands of the Ottoman Empire. The day has particular resonance in the Greater Boston area, a haven for Armenian immigrants for the past century. How did Boston — or more specifically, Watertown — become a magnet for Armenians?

The Italian government is locked in a battle with local towns and regions that are resisting—and even ignoring—demands from Rome to resettle the surging number of migrants in their areas.

Holland Township School's fourth-graders recently experienced a little of what immigrants to the United States might have faced in the early 1900s.

The Obama administration is on pace to deport the fewest number of immigrants in nearly a decade, according to internal government data obtained by The Associated Press.

A crowd gathers near the entrance of Tokyo's upscale Mitsukoshi Department Store, which traces its roots to a kimono shop in the late 17th century.

New Delhi: South Asian nations need to work on liberalising the visa regime to promote intra-regional tourism and explore business opportunities in this region, a senior official said today.

THURROCK, England — Prime Minister David Cameron is fighting Britain’s general election on the question of economic competence. His party’s efforts to erase the budget deficit are at the heart of his campaign for a Conservative majority on May 7.

Assistant Foreign Minister for multilateral affairs Ambassador Hisham Badr has led the Egyptian delegation to the European Union and Horn of Africa initiative meeting in Sharm el Skeikh to discuss combating illegal immigration.

The number of immigrants caught crossing the Southwest border continues to fall sharply, Obama administration officials said Friday, a decline due in large part to the end of the surge in people coming from Central America.

Raíces en Tampa will be staging a protest and awareness event this coming Friday, May 1, to cease the deportation of undocumented people in America. The upcoming Facebook event, will be from 6 p.m., at 1624 E. 7th Avenue in Ybor City, Florida.

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