Monday, 17 February 2025 02:02

The immigration file may not be sexy, but it is surely significant in an aging and demographically-challenged Canada. The issues of immigration numbers, integration, citizenship rules, family unification, refugees and reasonable accommodation are all of national importance.
There's a reason that Hillary Clinton's attack on Jeb Bush over immigration sparked one of the sharpest exchanges between the two 2016 presidential campaigns. They're holding mirrors up to each other.
More than 1,800 immigrants that the federal government wanted to deport were nevertheless released from local jails and later re-arrested for various crimes, according to a government report released Monday.

Chinese now top U.S. immigrant arrivals

Tuesday, 14 July 2015 14:05
Pan Wu, 26, originally from China and a graduate student in theoretical chemistry at Duke University in Raleigh, N.C., works at the university on May 31, 2013. Chinese Americans are represented at both ends of the economic spectrum, although when people think of Chinese immigrants they tend to think of the highly skilled and educated who arrive – the entrepreneurs, professionals, scientists and students like Wu.
Tourist arrivals into South Africa from abroad have plummeted amid the African National Congress (ANC) government’s enforcement of xenophobic anti-immigrant policies.
There is a schizophrenic situation in the EU which once created the conditions for more immigration from Africa, but now every EU country wants to stop immigrant inflow, says Pierre Guerlain, a Professor of political science at Paris West University.
Recently, The New York Times unintentionally lent its support to a key argument immigration enforcement advocates have used for years in their fight against open borders. In her piece “Stay Home, Pleads a Son of Eritrea,” Celestine Bohlen profiled a Eritrean activist who appealed to the waves of people leaving his country, which has long suffered under a despotic regime, telling them that “[t]he government is the problem and leaving doesn’t solve it ... escaping is not the solution.”
In a rare television interview, Hillary Clinton said she was "disappointed" by Donald Trumps's immigration remarks.
TAIPEI: Taiwan has become an increasingly popular immigration destination for residents of Hong Kong and Macau, with the number of Taiwan residency applications from the two cities in 2014 being the highest in more than two decades.

Study: Chicago 'Immigration' Rate Dropping

Wednesday, 08 July 2015 17:43
Many large American cities need skilled workers from other countries if they are to grow. Chicago, Illinois is the third-largest city in the United States. But it may not stay that way for long. Why?
Cardinal Vincent Nichols, spiritual leader of more than four million Catholics in England and Wales, said the Catholic Church was "enormously enriched" by the many thousands of Catholics coming to these shores as migrants.
While the EU continues to squabble over who should bear the greatest responsibility for asylum seekers arriving in Europe from areas of conflict, Sweden has asked its neighbour countries to regain a bit of perspective.
Migrants wait at Calais for an opportunity to sneak into Britain. Around 3,000 migrants, mostly from Eritrea, Syria and Afghanistan are camped at a site near the Port of Calais.(Getty).
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump waves as he arrives at a house party Tuesday, June 30, 2015, in Bedford, New Hampshire.
Francisco López-Flores was talking to numerous investors in May to pitch a project to track the economic benefits of immigration reform. However, one potential investor told López-Flores not to waste his time with mere hobbies.
Gardaí and the Immigration services are being singled out as in need of anti-racism training, following a new study.
BURLINGTON — Immigration officials are keeping a close watch on Veronica Morales. Every Monday, she must check in at an office in Burlington. Every Thursday, she waits for hours at home in Lynn in case an immigration contractor drops by. And if that’s not enough, officials attached a GPS device to her ankle.
The population of the UK has hit a record high, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) has said, with the average age also reaching a new peak.
Italy's Prime Minister Matteo Renzi harshly criticized EU leaders for rejecting mandatory migrant quotas amid ongoing divisions over the ways to stop the flow of illegal migrants to Europe's southern shores.
Australian Bureau of Statistics data shows net overseas migration figures continue to decline, with the national total falling by 15% in the last year.
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