Wednesday, 03 July 2024 08:48

DRESDEN, Germany — As it does every Advent, this history-laden city has erected the gift stalls, the glühwein stands and the Ferris wheel of Germany’s oldest Christmas market, around the Frauenkirche, the 18th-century church that was magnificently rebuilt after the Allies’ catastrophic bombing in 1945.
JERUSALEM – Israeli police have shut down around 30 nightclubs frequented by undocumented African immigrants and asylum-seekers in southern Tel Aviv, local press reports said Friday, in a macro-operation that also saw numerous arrests and confiscation of illegal substances.

Malaysia's unwanted immigrants

Monday, 08 December 2014 09:52
Forbidden from working or sending their children to school, many immigrants struggle to survive in society's shadows.
Canadian François Crépeau accuses Government of putting migrants’ lives at risk

House rebukes Obama on immigration

Friday, 05 December 2014 11:56
Washington (AP) — Emboldened House Republicans issued a stern but symbolic rebuke to President Barack Obama over immigration Thursday, passing a bill declaring his executive actions to curb deportations "null and void and without legal effect."
Sydney: Australia's conservative government on Friday further tightened immigration laws by introducing controversial temporary visas for refugees which do not allow them to settle permanently in the country.
The left of center government of Prime Minister Stefan Lofven has been forced to call new elections less than three months after taking office. Unable to pass a budget through the Rikstag (parliament), Lofven faced a choice of either resigning or calling snap elections, slated for March 22, 2015. Although the budget was the trigger, most observers believe that immigration policy is at the root of the fall. David Crouch of the UK Guardian explains:
PARIS – The economic crisis in Europe doubled the number of Spanish, Portuguese and Italian immigrants in France between 2009 and 2012, raising the percentage of European immigrants in France to 46 percent of the total, according to a report released Friday.
 “I’m going to make a Moroccan Shabbos dinner; you must join us,” said Asma Chaabi, visiting Miami from Rabat, Morocco.
AUSTIN, Texas -- Texas and 16 other states, including Wisconsin, filed a federal lawsuit Wednesday challenging President Barack Obama's executive actions on immigration, arguing that he had violated his constitutional duty to enforce the laws and illegally placed new burdens on state budgets.
Rabat - The 10th edition of Aeromart, an international business convention of aeronautical and space industries, will see the participation of six Moroccan companies, LaVieEco reported.
ROME - (NewMediaWire) - December 1, 2014 - If countries of the Mediterranean want to stem the tide on forced migration and human suffering, they must put agricultural, food and rural development at the core of regional cooperation, FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva said today.
MEPs acknowledged Lebanon's struggle with the enormous migration flows and voiced their concerns about the internal crisis there and growing extremism across the region, in a Foreign Affairs Committee debate with its Prime Minister Tammam Saeb Salam on Tuesday afternoon.
When net migration falls, David Cameron can take the credit: for making Britain poor, hostile and pessimistic.
Moroccan-born comedian Gad Elmaleh and Belgian singer Stromae are virtually unknown to the British public. But in London they play to sell-out crowds at top venues - one sign of how rising immigration is changing Britain's population and economy.
The Swiss government avoided a new headache on Sunday when voters rejected a popular initiative to impose radical immigration curbs, but the result is unlikely to lend it any leverage in talks with the European Union related to migration.

NZ immigration laws 'should match' Australia's

Tuesday, 02 December 2014 11:36
A campaigner in Australia is lobbying the Minister of Maori Development to change immigration laws in Aotearoa to match legislation across the Tasman, which prohibits certain rights for New Zealanders.
PHNOM PENH, Dec 2 (Bernama) -- The General Department of Immigration rounded up 1,168 foreigners from July to November for living illegally in the country, Xinhua news agency reports citing the National Police on Tuesday.
Fewer and fewer people choose the EU as a long-term residence, but Germany is the exception to this rule, according to an OECD finding, most likely due to the effects of the eurozone crisis. EurActiv Germany reports.
EU countries are cutting back on search and rescue missions in the Mediterranean, leaving the job up to fishermen like Kamel Ben Ramdan.
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