Friday, 27 September 2024 12:25

A number of protesters at the Yongah Hill detention facility in Northam have been removed from the facility by the Australian Federal Police after up to 30 people reportedly took to the rooftops for a second night of protesting.

In the latest attempt by elected officials to reach America’s youth, the House Judiciary Committee has posted a critique of Barack Obama’s immigration stance that relies heavily on gifs of young white celebrities.

President Obama’s immigration policies suffered a rough week, faltering in the courts, taking fire on Capitol Hill, angering his political base and even having his own deportation chief undercut his message as he struggles to find a middle-ground path to overhaul the nation’s immigration system.

Prague - The number of the Czech Republic´s inhabitants is again rising, having reached 10,538,300 in 2014, which was 25,900 more than in 2013 and the highest increase since 2010, the Czech Statistical Office (CSU) said today.

Lagos — There were indications at the weekend that the Nigeria Immigration Service (NIS) may have started restricting unmarried Nigerians, especially ladies below the age of 40 ,who do not have genuine reasons from travelling to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) for fear of engaging in prostitution and other activities that may dent the image of the country.

Quebec – Parti Quebecois leadership hopeful Pierre Karl Peladeau apologized on Thursday after saying a day earlier that immigration was hurting the sovereignty movement.

The eurozone may have little choice but to encourage higher levels of immigration if it is to avoid decades of very low economic growth that will leave it with high levels of debt, according to a paper published on Friday by two Irish economists.

The office of New York City Comptroller Scott M. Stringer is publishing "The Immigrants Rights and Services Manua."

Julio Cesar Estelar packed his bags, forked over thousands of pesos and set out for the U.S.-Mexico border at Tijuana.

In the wake of an increased enrollment of unaccompanied minors who traveled from Central America to the U.S., often to escape violence and reunite with family members, it is hard to get a clear picture of how schools have fared.

Former Czech President Vaclav Klaus said that Europe has fallen into its own trap: for years it has been attracting immigrants and now trying to grapple with the surge of migrants.

 “Out of 15 domestic issues, Americans’ concerns about terrorism and race relations have risen most sharply over the past year. The percentage of Americans who worry “a great deal” about the possibility of a terrorist attack (51 percent) climbed 12 percentage points from 2014 to 2015, while concerns about race relations (28 percent) surged 11 points.

A remarkable new map of Britain shows how the nation was forged by successive waves of immigration from continental Europe over 10,000 years since the end of the last Ice Age.

In a classroom of the Catholic University of Paris, overlooking the dome of a 17th century church, three Muslim women from Algeria are poring over the origins of the word "secularism."

There's a fascinating paragraph buried in the Office for Budget Reponsibility's Economic and Fiscal Outlook, the assessment of the economy it publishes alongside the Budget.

The executive chairman at Google urged Congress on Wednesday to increase the number of high-skilled work visas made available to foreigners and to deal with other immigration issues later on.

Eurotunnel passengers are set for miserable cross-Channel disruption because of immigration exit checks — but investors celebrated better news, with a 20% dividend hike after annual profits almost doubled.

WASHINGTON -- A group of Republican lawmakers are urging an appeals court not to let the Obama administration expand deportation relief and work authorization for undocumented immigrants with long-standing ties to the U.S.

The Danish People’s Party (DF), who have become increasingly popular with their combination of common-sense rhetoric and outspoken criticism of mass immigration, want to support Muslims who secretly wish to escape their faith.

As the ongoing battle over immigration continues, some immigrants in the U.S. who are documented have reportedly been denied driver’s licenses.

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