Sunday, 01 September 2024 12:20

Anti-trafficking programmes give a humanitarian gloss to national anti-immigration controls, but the citizenship and immigration policies of nation-states are still the biggest danger facing many migrants today.

David Cameron's 'cast-iron' pledge to lower immigration to the 'tens of thousands' was left in tatters after the figure reached 298,000 in 2014.

The personal details of all 20 leaders at the recent G20 summit in Australia have been accidentally leaked by the Australian immigration department. Despite being notified of the high-profile breach four months ago, it neglected to inform anyone.

The Jewish Agency on Sunday harshly criticized the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews over its decision to facilitate Ukrainian immigration to Israel by itself, saying the move ultimately hurts olim.

In “A Way Out on Immigration Reform” (Op-Ed, March 18), Alan K. Simpson and Bruce A. Morrison proffered a way to jump-start immigration reform.

WASHINGTON -- Last Friday, immigration advocates met with Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson and Immigration and Customs Enforcement Director Sarah Saldaña and brought up some concerns, including a surprising statement she made the day before that seemed wholly at odds with the administration's policies.

Republican and potential 2016 candidate reportedly embraced of pathway to citizenship for millions of undocumented immigrants at private dinner

Wisconsin governor and Republican presidential hopeful Scott Walker embraced a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants at a recent private dinner in New Hampshire, according to a report published on Thursday in the Wall Street Journal.

Almost 80% of UK residents think the number of migrants coming into the country should be reduced, and 59% want a big drop, says a new survey.

Living in China is becoming easier for foreign nationals who are looking to move here. The country is actively exploring the feasibility of a new "skilled immigrant" policy as efforts to attract overseas talents continue.

The U.S. government on Thursday asked an appeals court to lift a temporary hold on President Obama's executive action to shield millions of immigrants from deportation, arguing it can't wait for the judge who blocked the action to make a ruling on a similar request.

Labour has promised to introduce new time limits on the detention of people trapped in the asylum and immigration system in a move that would bring Britain into line with most other western countries by banning indefinite detention.

Republicans in Congress voiced strong objections Tuesday in response to a scathing Homeland Security investigation that found a senior official appeared to give special treatment to politically-connected applicants when he ran a little-known federal program that offers visas to those who invest $500,000 in a job-creating business.

 Twenty-one years ago, California voters decided overwhelmingly — 59% of them — to deny public services for immigrants who came here illegally. That included refusing to educate kids.

Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) clients are periodically targeted by scammers. Most recently, a fake CBSA letter has been circulating that requests funds from immigration applicants. This fake letter makes use of the CBSA logo. This scam occurs every few months and is used by different scammers.

The Nigeria Immigration Service has said it will adopt the Computer-Based Test for its recruitment examination.

WASHINGTON — The director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement said Thursday that she would support a law to require local law enforcement to hold immigrants for ICE even if they oppose doing so — seemingly flying in the face of recent efforts by the Obama administration to mend relationships with frustrated localities.

The United States ranks near the bottom among major economies in terms of policies to allow hiring highly skilled immigrant workers, according to a study by a business lobbying group that supports relaxing immigration controls.

Scottish ministers have urged the UK government to reinstate work visas for foreign students after data showed that nearly half of all migrants to Scotland have been educated to degree level or higher.

Governor John Hickenlooper, D-Colo., speaks at the Center for American Progress' 2014 Making Progress Policy Conference in Washington last year.

With the foreign population in Japan expected to grow in the future, policymakers have an interest in promoting a more positive view of immigration. Current public opinion toward immigration in Japan, like in much of the rest of the world, is generally negative. But recent public opinion data shows that individuals who are more likely to come in contact with foreigners or who self-assess as being of high English speaking proficiency are more supportive of increases in immigration.

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