Sunday, 01 September 2024 06:08

BERLIN — Although she is still popular at home and respected abroad, Chancellor Angela Merkel is entering 2015 facing fresh challenges in both arenas.

Israeli Defense Minister, Moshe Ya'alon, left, and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, at the cabinet meeting at the defense ministry in Tel Aviv, Israel, Thursday, July 31, 2014.

Washington — President Obama’s new immigration policies could affect as many as 5 million people, including the possibility of a three-year reprieve from the threat of deportation for parents of children with legal status.

Government officers protecting Australian airports will soon be allowed to carry weapons as part of the move to establish the Australian Border Force.

The Conservative government’s overhaul of Canada’s immigration system hits a milestone on Wednesday with the launch of a new system for selecting economic immigrants.

The Canadian federal government is revamping its immigration system, with a new fast-track computerised programme taking effect from January 1.

The $1.1 trillion spending bill the Senate passed this month will fund most of the federal government through September 2015—with the notable exception of the Department of Homeland Security, whose funding expires in February.

President of the Ifo Institute for Economic Research, Hans-Werner Sinn, has challenged a study claiming immigrants are bringing money to Germany. The economist said Germany is a "magnet for unqualified immigrants." Hans-Werner Sinn.

A report finds undecided young people may hold the key to the general election. And they care more about online privacy and housing than immigration and the EU.

Immigration is the most important political issue to voters, pollsters say Public are more worried about Britain's borders than finances, YouGov say It's the first time since 2010 that the economy hasn't been the biggest issue.

STOCKHOLM (AFP)– Sweden may have narrowly avoided snap elections that would have been dominated by a debate on immigration, but with asylum seekers arriving in record numbers the issue is unlikely to stay off the agenda for long, analysts say.

BERLIN (Reuters) - German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble said on Saturday that immigration is good for the country and politicians must explain better that everyone stands to gain from it, in response to the rise of a new movement opposing an influx of Muslim immigrants.

Starting January 1, 2015, Canadian Visa Expert will prepare its customers for an improved immigration system called Express Entry to Canada; a system that will manage and expedite the selection process of Permanent Residence visa applications within six months or less.

Muscat - The Chairman of Pakistan’s Senate has said that his country is working to curb illegal immigration, especially with respect to the Gulf. In an interview with Muscat Daily, Syed Nayyer Hussain Bokhari, also talked about measures to protect and promote welfare of Pakistan’s blue collar workers in the region.

Fresno, California(AP) – Farmers already scrambling to find workers in California — the leading U.S. grower of fruits, vegetables and nuts — fear an even greater labor shortage under President Barack Obama’s executive action to block some 5 million people from deportation.

By the end of the year, people living anywhere in the world will be able to become ‘digital citizens’ without entering the physical country. But what does this mean? Nabeelah Shabbir reports.

Children gather outside the El Transito synagogue and Sephardic Museum in Toledo, Spain. Founded in 1357, the synagogue was converted into a church following the expulsion of Jews from Spain in 1492. Spain is now preparing to pass a law that would allow descendants of the expelled Jews to receive Spanish citizenship.

Swedish ministers have condemned Thursday's arson attack on a mosque in the southeastern Swedish town of Eskilstuna, which injured five people.

An arsonist has set fire to a mosque in a town in central Sweden on Christmas Day, an incident which comes amid an intense debate over immigration.

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