Wednesday, 08 January 2025 22:49

New immigrants in the U.K. could see their benefits delayed four years under Prime Minister David Cameron's immigration reform plan. In many cases, they may be denied entry into the United Kingdom altogether.

Altogether 6,499 Jews arrived in Israel between January and March. The vast majority came from Europe, but the only substantial increase came from Eastern Europe with numbers from Western Europe remaining steady.

Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton will have a formidable weapon to disarm Republican anti-immigration candidates who want to virtually seal the U.S. southern border — there are already more Chinese than Mexican immigrants who enter the United States every year.

Member countries are deeply divided over proposals that would distribute asylum seekers more equitably across the union.

Millions of undocumented immigrants — and legions of immigration lawyers — are holding their breath. Last November they embarked on a legal roller coaster ride when President Barack Obama issued an executive action granting an estimated 5 million undocumented parents of U.S. citizen children temporary relief from deportation — a legal move that immigration scholars are increasingly starting to question.

That’s the feeling among activists who met with two high-level federal officials this week in California to discuss the Priority Enforcement Program (PEP), a new version of the government’s immigration enforcement partnership with local police.

To understand the Uzbek community of Brooklyn, sit down and share a cup of tea with some of them. Please, drink. They pride themselves on hospitality, and to refuse would be impolite.

In August 2014 Yasuyuki Kaneko, a city councillor for Sapporo, sparked intense controversy by tweeting ‘there are no such people as the Ainu any more, are there? [But] they constantly demand rights they don’t deserve. How can this be reasonable?’

LONDON — Many embattled immigrants here feel they are being blamed for everything from traffic jams to crowded schools and hospitals. But as Britain’s bitterly divisive general election campaign draws to a close, some are now pushing back.

When U.K. voters go to the polls  May 7, one of the major issues they’ll be thinking about is immigration. A big story in this election is the increased popularity of the U.K. Independence Party (UKIP, whose leader Nigel Farage is pictured above) as they have criticized the government for allowing too many immigrants from other E.U. countries and thus allegedly jeopardizing the job prospects of native Britons and undercutting the National Health Service. Indeed, though UKIP has plenty of detractors, surveys indicate that they are the party most trusted to control immigration. UKIP has also been punching above its weight on social media, and were at one point the most talked-about party on social media.

A battle is brewing in the Republican Party over whether illegal immigrants granted deferred deportation by President Obama should be eligible to serve in the military.

ROME, Italy– An uninterrupted flood of illegal immigrants continues to issue forth from Africa into Italy, with this past weekend’s count now nearing 6,000 refugees.

Lagos - The United States of America and the United Kingdom top the list of countries most Nigerians abroad live in compared to other countries in the world.

Wealthy people in Asia are investing more in their children's education, with those in China favoring having their children study overseas with other students of the same social status, according to Shanghai's China Business News.

BERLIN - Police in western Germany said on Wednesday that unidentified arsonists had set fire overnight to housing being prepared for aslyum-seekers, causing 50,000 euros worth of damage, before fleeing the scene in a car.

CAPE TOWN, May 5 (Xinhua) -- Plans are advanced for the establishment of South Africa's Border Management Agency (BMA) led by the Department of Home Affairs to curb illegal immigration, State Security Minister David Mahlobo said on Tuesday.

Some 750 asylum seekers living in Australian government detention on the tiny Pacific island nation of Nauru face an impossible choice. They can stay on Nauru in squalid conditions. Or they can be resettled, of all places, in impoverished Cambodia — a country with a long record of human-rights abuses, where refugees are discriminated against and the chances of finding work are slim.

For many in Britain, the European Union’s cherished principle of free movement is perhaps the most controversial.

 Move over, Mexico. When it comes to sending immigrants to the U.S., China and India have taken the lead.

A 2015 May Day rally in Los Angeles. May 1, the International Workers Day everywhere but the U.S., has become associated with immigration as well as labor issues.

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