Sunday, 30 June 2024 22:16

Quebec is preparing for a major reform of its immigration policy, with proposed changes partly inspired by Ottawa, says the province's immigration minister.

What does the Japanese media have to say about the recent events in France? Do you want straight news, analysis or opinion editorials? The weeklies have got something for everyone.

WASHINGTON, January 24 (Sputnik) — Mayors of over 30 American cities, including Bill de Blasio of New York and Eric Garcetti of Los Angeles intend to submit an amicus brief in the lawsuit filed by 24 states challenging US President Barack Obama’s executive action on immigration, to show support of the presidential plan, New York City Mayor’s Office said in a statement Friday.

The leader of the fast-growing German anti-Muslim movement PEGIDA has resigned after a photo of him posing as Hitler, as well as reports that he called refugees "scumbags", prompted prosecutors to investigate him for inciting hatred.

In the first round of historic talks between the two countries, the US vowed to continue giving Cubans safe haven, despite Cuba's objections.

Germany’s latest immigration statistics show 1.23 million persons moved to Germany in 2013, a rate the country has not seen since 1993, causing Social Democrats and Greens to call for better regulation of immigration. EurActiv Germany reports.

This month, after attackers killed four people in a kosher supermarket in Paris, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called on French Jews to immigrate to Israel. More than 6,000 already had last year through November — a greater number than in the three previous years combined.

Italian Foreign Minister Paolo Gentiloni said on Thursday the risk of acts of terrorism from illegal immigration to Italy was high amid reports that several suspected foreign nationals have been expelled from the country in recent days.

Quebec’s minister of immigration, diversity and inclusiveness says her government is still mulling over how to confront religious radicalism in the province, but that Quebecers can expect an announcement in the coming week.

WASHINGTON(AP) — The House is moving toward a vote on a bill aimed at securing the border with Mexico as majority Republicans try to show they can chart their own course on immigration, not just oppose President Obama's.

The boss of Western Union says it's much harder being an immigrant in Europe than in the U.S.

Quebec’s minister of immigration, diversity and inclusiveness says her government is still mulling over how to confront religious radicalism in the province, but that Quebecers can expect an announcement in the coming week.

Technology companies, industry groups, and trade associations are enthusiastically supporting a new Senate bill that would make it easier for foreign nationals working in the technology sector to stay and work in the United States.

Sokoto — Sokoto State Comptroller of Immigration Service, Alhaji Yunusa Aliyu, yesterday warned foreigners in the state to steer clear of Nigerian politics.

The way the UK media reported the immigration debate has shifted over time and is becoming increasingly “dehumanised”.

Scattered reports that Islamic State group sympathizer Amedy Coulibaly spent time in Madrid with wife and purported accomplice Hayat Boumeddiene just days prior to his deadly assault on a Paris kosher supermarket this month have raised new questions regarding Spain’s anti-terror efforts. The nation devoted massive resources to combat radical elements after the 2004 Madrid train bombings that left nearly 200 people dead, and it has largely avoided the rash of “lone wolf” attacks that have plagued Western Europe in recent years.

Tunis, — Some 814 illegal immigration attempts by sea were thwarted by the border police last year, the Interior Ministry announced, Tuesday, in a statement.

BUDAPEST, Hungary (AP) — Hungary's government spokesman says the European Union should adopt strict rules regarding immigration and that asylum seekers should return to their countries of origin after the crises there have passed.

TV show set in 2062 presents Africa as an oasis which desperate Europeans are risking their lives to reach.

Through continuous intelligence collection and exchange, the above-mentioned authorities detected an active cross-boundary human smuggling syndicate that specialized in arranging for Vietnamese nationals to seek illegal entry into Hong Kong via the land border.

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