Sunday, 01 September 2024 08:23

Wealthy countries should agree on a comprehensive plan to take one million refugees from Syria over the next five years to end the unfolding series of boat disasters in the Mediterranean, the UN’s special rapporteur on the human rights of migrants has urged.

The Information Technology & Innovation Foundation released a report this week on high-skilled immigrant visas. It comes at a time when the demand for H1-B visas is at a record high, and when Utah’s senior Senator Orrin Hatch has reintroduced a proposal that could more than double the number of these visas available.

Europe is the cause of the current migrant crisis in the Mediterranean - or the solution, depending on whom you talk to. European heads of state have been called to an emergency summit on Thursday to address the growing number of people drowning in the crossing from North Africa to Europe. European lawmakers, talking to RFI, welcomed the attention being paid to the issue but questioned whether the political will to tackle the issue is there.

The European Commission is planning to propose a pilot program on sharing the burden of refugee resettlement among all EU members, the European migration policy chief said Monday.

Heads of the European Union’s member states will gather for an emergency meeting on immigration on Thursday, European Council President Donald Tusk announced Monday.

For tens of thousands of migrants who survive the hazardous crossing of the Mediterranean, the journey often continues as they slip through cracks in Italy's border controls and head north.

A group of globe-trotting friends in Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Britain have banded together as a lobby group and created an online petition aimed at eliminating immigration controls between the four Commonwealth countries.

Whether it is the attacks on migrants crossing the Mediterranean or questions about Nick Clegg's heritage, our national debate on immigration has taken a nasty turn.

As the sun beat down on day two of the L.A. Times Festival of Books, visitors stayed cool in USC’s darkened Ray Stark theater. But the room was silent as a documentary opened with bustling scenes of Manila, Philippines flickering across the screen.

After attaining independence from its colonial ruler in 1994, South Africa became a model of racial unity in Africa, as well as a poster-child of economic prosperity in the region. It also attracted a lot of foreign immigrants.

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement may be wasting loads of money flying illegal immigrants home on expensive but largely empty charter flights, according to federal auditors.

ROME — European leaders were confronted on Monday with a humanitarian crisis in the Mediterranean, as estimates that as many as 900 migrants may have died off the Libyan coast this weekend prompted calls for a new approach to the surging number of refugees crossing from Africa and the Middle East.

Foreign ministers join interior ministers for talks after boat smuggling 700 migrants capsized off Libya

The majority of Japanese support a more open immigration policy with the number of those willing to accept foreigners who want to permanently settle doubling over the last five years, an Asahi Shimbun survey shows.

 Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi has asked fellow EU leaders to hold an emergency meeting on immigration this week following the latest migrant drownings, Renzi's spokesman said on Sunday.

HARTFORD — Connecticut immigrants and their contributions to the state are being honored at a state Capitol ceremony Tuesday.

A new Daily Yonder study shows that rural counties with more immigrants also tend to be performing better economically. Rural America’s foreign-born residents may be moving to counties that have more jobs, but immigrants also create more economic opportunity when they get there, economists say.

Residents from diverse Jackson Heights and beyond got a chance to have questions answered on changing immigration laws last week during an immigration forum hosted by U.S. Rep. Joe Crowley (D-Jackson Heights), state Assemblyman Francisco Moya (D-Jackson Heights) and state Sen.

As part of Cities United for Immigration Action, Mayor David Maher and City Manager Richard Rossi announced that Cambridge has joined 73 cities and counties to file a new friend-of-the-court brief in the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals in the Texas versus United States lawsuit, urging immediate implementation of President Obama’s executive actions on immigration. City Councilor Leland Cheung also sponsored the order.

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