Sunday, 01 September 2024 10:19

London– The United Kingdom has limited control over its borders because it is a member of the European Union, which is causing significant immigration problems in the county, UK Independence Party (UKIP) leader Nigel Farage announced during live TV debates.

The Obama administration in recent months has quietly rolled out a new a program that allows Central American immigrants who reside legally in the United States to bring family members to the country.

According to the Refugee Processing Center, the State Department documents that the most common spoken language among refugees in America is Arabic.

Out of the 11,300 refugees admitted to the U.S. this fiscal year, 4,430 speak Arabic .

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio and New York State Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman announced a new joint task force Thursday to target individuals who defraud immigrants and their families and make it easier for victims of fraud to come forward.

Currently, there are more than 1 million undocumented Asian Pacific Islander (API) immigrants living in the US. In California, where I reside, there are nearly a half million undocumented API immigrants.

A new analysis from the Center for Immigration Studies finds that more than 2,000 illegal immigrant minors have been apprehended each month since the beginning of this fiscal year in October — the second highest level of illegal minor arrests, behind last year’s record breaking border surge.

The Muslim Students Association at ASU held an event to offer the community henna tattoos while explaining the religion and culture behind it.

Stockholm, Sweden – Swedish writer Fredrik Ekman is gratified to see a book he co-wrote about the Yezidis reprinted after a decade, signifying renewed interest about the religiouis minority that is suffering under atrocities by ISIS in Iraq.

The UK's party leaders have clashed in the first TV election debate on a range of issues including the NHS, immigration and the deficit.

Seventy-eight women being held at a federal immigration detention facility in Texas are demanding their release, and around 40 have launched a Holy Week hunger and work strike. The women are mostly Central American and are seeking asylum in the United States. They are being held in detention with their children. At least two women on hunger strike have reportedly been placed in isolation, along with their children.

Daniel Jimenez’s job at the United Farm Workers Foundation is to promote the biggest reprieve for undocumented immigrants in a generation to as many as possible. On a recent day, after waiting an hour past the appointed 6 p.m. start, he began speaking to eight tomato-pickers and pistachio-tree planters and a dozen empty chairs.

Suzanne Evans, the party’s vice chairman, said that there would be no immigration target when the manifesto is formally published in a fortnight’s time.

A country that has abandoned all efforts at creating a saner immigration policy has gotten the result it deserves: not one policy but lots of little ones, acting at cross purposes and nullifying one another. Not unity but cacophony, a national incoherence — one well illustrated in a recent report in The Times on the various ways the states, forsaken by Congress, are adjusting to the millions of unauthorized immigrants living outside the law.

The Department of Immigration has responded to embarrassing revelations it leaked personal information of G20 officials including Barack Obama and Vladimir Putin, announcing a bolstered security regime and new task force.

Britons are so ill at ease with levels of immigration in their towns that their children do not play football with their neighbours in the streets, Nigel Farage has said.

A post-election deal between Labour and the SNP would “destroy” Britain’s immigration controls, creating a "back door" for foreigners, according to a new report.

Winner of the Reuters award for best picture of the year 2014, Youssef Boudlal, 49, juggles the glamor of Chanel and horror of war zones. Portrait of a man who navigates between heaven and hell.

Today, a college degree is one of the surest ways to economic opportunity, but it has also never been more expensive. Earlier this year, President Obama announced "America's College Promise", a proposal that would make two years of community college free for anyone who's willing to work for it. On the heels of that announcement, the president recently called for a new "Student Aid Bill of Rights" to ensure that all students have access to a high-quality and affordable education.

Tertiary education institutions should look to emerging markets in Africa, Latin America and the Middle East in order to keep Australia in the top five destination countries for foreign students, a new government report said.

BRUSSELS — Africa's envoy to the European Union says EU plans to process migrants in the countries they leave or transit on their way to Europe is "a dangerous approach."

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