Friday, 27 September 2024 04:56

Latinos favor President Barack Obama’s executive action on immigration by a more than 2-to-1 margin, in contrast to a slight majority of Americans overall, who oppose it, according to a new Gallup poll.

OTTAWA – The number of Syrian refugees brought to Canada in the past 18 months isn’t as abysmal as it could be – but that’s thanks largely to Quebec, which has its own immigration system.

Rabat – Spanish sovereignty over Ceuta and Melilla, two Spanish enclaves in northern Morocco, is threatened, says a new report from the Spanish Institute Elcano.

While President Barack Obama reassured a small audience of immigrants gathered in a Nashville community center Tuesday that his recent executive order would provide a reprieve from deportation, he also delivered what, by now, has become a regular challenge to Congress:

Prime Minister David Cameron has backed a new fund to help areas such as Boston cope with the demands placed on services by immigration.

A march in Dresden that drew 10,000 people has capped a winter of anti-immigration demonstrations in Germany’s cities and prompted condemnation from a nervous government.

Bavaria is renowned for its world-famous 'Oktoberfest' which attracts hundreds of thousands of foreigners each year. Last week, however, the Christian Social Union (CSU), which rules the state, made clear that only a certain type of foreigner is welcome to stay for longer: Those who speak German.

The Refugee Action Coalition says a hunger strike by asylum seekers at Australia's detention centre in Papua New Guinea ended after intimidation from Australian immigration staff.

Rabat(Map) – Morocco is a gateway to Africa and the Arab world, Mexico’s Deputy Foreign Secretary, Carlos de Icaza Gonzalez said.

Rabat – French newspaper Les Echo has chosen Oukaimden, Marrakech among the best skiing destinations in the world.

Interview with Fouad Ahidar, Senior Vice President of the Brussels Parliament.

Residents wait at the bus stop in the Ronna neighborhood, where Syrian and Iraqi refugees are concentrated in Södertalje, Sweden. The Swedish city is known for its open-door policy toward refugees, especially Christian Syrians and Iraqis. People of Middle Eastern origin make up 30,000 of the town's 90,000 residents. (Redux/Pulitzer Center)

WASHINGTON — In a symbolic gesture of disapproval, House Republicans last week approved a bill to nullify President Barack Obama’s executive order shielding millions of immigrants in the country illegally from deportation.

DRESDEN, Germany — As it does every Advent, this history-laden city has erected the gift stalls, the glühwein stands and the Ferris wheel of Germany’s oldest Christmas market, around the Frauenkirche, the 18th-century church that was magnificently rebuilt after the Allies’ catastrophic bombing in 1945.

JERUSALEM – Israeli police have shut down around 30 nightclubs frequented by undocumented African immigrants and asylum-seekers in southern Tel Aviv, local press reports said Friday, in a macro-operation that also saw numerous arrests and confiscation of illegal substances.

Forbidden from working or sending their children to school, many immigrants struggle to survive in society's shadows.

Canadian François Crépeau accuses Government of putting migrants’ lives at risk

Washington (AP) — Emboldened House Republicans issued a stern but symbolic rebuke to President Barack Obama over immigration Thursday, passing a bill declaring his executive actions to curb deportations "null and void and without legal effect."

Sydney: Australia's conservative government on Friday further tightened immigration laws by introducing controversial temporary visas for refugees which do not allow them to settle permanently in the country.

The left of center government of Prime Minister Stefan Lofven has been forced to call new elections less than three months after taking office. Unable to pass a budget through the Rikstag (parliament), Lofven faced a choice of either resigning or calling snap elections, slated for March 22, 2015. Although the budget was the trigger, most observers believe that immigration policy is at the root of the fall. David Crouch of the UK Guardian explains:

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