Wednesday, 03 July 2024 10:20

Souad Elmallem is one of those women who succeeded in what was once a field strictly reserved for men: aeronautics. Chief Representative of Bombardier Aerospace and of Strategy and International Business Development, Africa, Originally from Casablanca, Souad Elmallem has moved to Canada where she settled and started a family.

In five years of existence, the CCME focused its research work on six specific groups, published more than 70 scientific productions closely related to the Moroccan emigration and its evolution since the 60s '. Mr Abdallah Boussouf, the General Secretary of the Council of Moroccans living abroad believes that the assessment of these “five years is positive "; because the council managed, since its inception, to put the finger on where the other European migratory policies have failed.

Welcome and farewell: It’s under this title of Goethe’s poem that we wanted to share the contributions to the conference “Migration, Identity and Modernity in the Maghreb”, held in Essaouira from March 17 to 20, 2010.

This conference is an initiative made by French and Moroccan academics, joined by colleagues from around the world in a common commitment to a pluralist reading of the recent history of Morocco and the Maghreb. Hosted in Essaouira and supported by two authorities responsible for human rights and the implementation of the recommendations of the Equity and Reconciliation Commission, the conference attempted to address, publicly, for the first time in the Maghreb, the question of the departure of Jews, repositioned in its historical depth and put into perspective with the migration of Muslim communities. Without dodging the specific dimensions nor the politics of these departures, the conference was an opportunity to reassess the whole process by questioning migration projects, Migrants' journeys and the dynamics of community constructions.

The memory of these migrant communities is also, undeniably that of the Maghreb, at various times in its history.

This conference resulted also in the publication of two other volumes on top of this one

Since around thirty years, the sociological and cultural base of the Moroccan community abroad knew deep and multiple transformations. Not only did it change profile but it was also crystallized by the emergence of several generations (2nd, 3rd and 4th generations) whose profile grow rich with a double emotional belonging, in reference to the identity of origin, and the one acquired by the naturalization.

The reform of the university is a major political issue, given the systemic crisis that challenges its role, mission and its place in the context of globalization. In Morocco, as elsewhere, the university is facing several challenges ranging from political (renewal and sustainability of the elite), economic (promoting development) to sociological (social mobility). The university can no longer claim the sustainability of these motor functions of progress.

 Mina El Elkarzabi, president of the Association of Moroccan Women in Ivory Coast, spoke about the challenges facing Morocco in Africa. She most particularly pinpointed specialized networks in prostitution that recruit young Moroccan women.

Mr Rezrazi El Mostafa is seemingly a calm person. Although his resume is out of the ordinary, he has this modesty and restraint inherent to Japanese culture that has managed to combine high-tech and tradition. That of samurais and many Nobel Prize winners. The one that has allowed the country to recover from the first and only nuclear attack in history, in Hiroshima-Nagasaki.

Boutaina El Fekkak was born in Rabat. She studied at the French high school Descartes in the capital where she earned a BA in Mathematical Sciences (Bac S).

The beheading of Hervey Gourdel sent waves of shock within the Muslim community in France.  In an article published in the press, Muslim leaders speak out: "We, French Muslims, wish to express our strong solidarity with all victims of this horde of barbarians, lost soldiers of an alleged Islamic state and condemn in the strongest terms, all acts of violence committed on behalf of a murderous ideology that claims it belongs to the Islamic religion by confiscating its vocabulary. »

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