Wednesday, 03 July 2024 08:47

At 22- year-old, Yousef Taleb wants to revolutionize the tablet segment in the world. Combining two cutting-edge technologies in a single device, this little genius gives us his story.

Abstract: One of the most important challenges facing the European Union over the next few decades is demographic: as birthrates continue to decline and the population ages, immigration will be needed to sustain a sufficient working-age population. This volume takes that fact as a point of departure for analyzing patterns and prospects of immigration from the Middle East and North Africa to Europe, taking into account existing migration links and current EU migration policies as well as demographic, economic, and political developments in the Middle East and North Africa.

This is the first book to analyze the important phenomenon of South-South development initiatives. Drawing on critical theories and insights from intersectional analysis, the book examines the experiences and impacts of Middle Eastern and North African (MENA) youth’s participation in South-South higher education programmes designed to maximise “self-sufficiency”.

This book will be a valuable resource for students, researchers and practitioners in the areas of migration studies, refugee studies, comparative education, development and humanitarian studies, international relations, and regional studies (Latin America, Middle East, and North Africa).

Although no one had imagined the creation of an Islamic state in Iraq and the Levant by an initially small minority group nor imagined the restoration of the old institution of the Caliphate (abolished by Atatürk in 1924 ) Daech and the caliphate of Al-Baghdadi are not epiphenomena. What is happening nowadays is to be taken seriously, as much as the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia and the Islamic revolution of Khomeini in Iran. It is a sustained movement that the international military coalition that is taking place will fail to eradicate. They could kill Al-Baghdadi, but another caliph will arise because the ability to restore the caliphate is engrained in many spirits.

In an interview with Hespress, The general consul of Morocco in New York, Mohamed Ben Abdeljalil, talked about the efforts of the embassy to serve Moroccan immigrants in forty eight American states, along with the cities entrusted to the Consulate of Washington.

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