mercredi 3 juillet 2024 06:46

M. Driss El Yazami, président du Conseil de la communauté marocaine à l'étranger, M. Abdellah Boussouf, secrétaire général, l'ensemble des membres et de l'équipe administrative du CCME, vous adressent leurs meilleurs vœux à l'occasion du Nouvel an 2012.

Working Group "Approach to gender and new generations"

Moroccan women from here and abroad

The Feminization of Migration : international dynamics and

issues specific to Morocco

Marrakech December 18/19, 2009

Exchanges and Partnerships

Dear Sir, Madam, Friend

The second "Moroccan women from here and abroad" event will be held in Marrakech on the 18th and 19th of December 2009. This year it will be exploring the theme The feminization of migration : international dynamics and issues specific to Morocco.

This event will comprise two arenas : an international scientific symposium and an area for exchanges and partnerships.

The latter will be a platform for the exchange of experiences between Moroccan women from Morocco and abroad. It will be an opportunity for the presentation of activities and projects in the fields of cooperation, culture and enterprise ... and the beginnings of partnerships linking both shores.

In order to help us build the programme you are invited to attend and/or to participate. If you wish to join us please complete the questionnaire below and send it back to us before the 30 of November 2009.

The organizing committee of the second Marrakech meeting.

Unless all the fields with  (*)  are filled in, your request won't be transmitted.

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  • Please, make sure you have filled in all the mandatory fields.Unless, your request won't be transmitted.

Please note:

► As the number of places is limited not all applications can be accepted.

► Participation in the second Marrakech meeting is subject to your returning this questionnaire fully completed. Organisations must also send a report outlining recent activities.

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  • (*) champs obligatoires
  • Si tous les champs obligatoires ne sont pas renseignés, votre demande ne pourra pas être transmise.

Rappel important :

►Le nombre de places étant limité, toutes les candidatures ne seront pas retenues.

► La participation à la 2éme rencontre de Marrakech est subordonnée au renvoi de ce questionnaire dûment rempli et accompagné pour ce qui concerne les associations du dernier rapport d'activités.


Séminaire "Marocaines d'ici et d'ailleurs-2ème édition"

"Féminisation de la migration : dynamiques

internationales et spécificités marocaines"

Marrakech - les 18 et 19 décembre 2009

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