Wednesday, 03 July 2024 08:52

The immigration from Muslim countries in Europe is at the heart of debates often nauseating in the continent that gave birth, not so long ago, to Nazism and Fascism.

The Council of the Moroccan Community Abroad (CCME) organizes an exhibition named "The Art of Tolerance" from June 21 to July 31 2016 at the Bab Rouah gallery in Rabat.

Léo Ferré sang beautifully that "as time goes, everything goes." But the Fransch anarchist singer was thinking of love an probably not about  probably about policy and the practical integration of the immigrants of the the poorer countries of the world who prove every day that the term integration is "updated. 

On the sidelines of the 60th session of the Committee on the Status of Women held in New York, the  working group "Gender Approach and New Generation" of the Council of the Moroccan community abroad (CCME) and Jossour Forum of Moroccan women (Jossour FFM) jointly organized a conference on the theme "No peace without sustainable development: the case of Moroccan women from « here and elsewhere." The Constitutional Institution and NGOs have opted for a partnership to discuss the experience of Moroccan women of the world, in terms of the fragile rights obtained and the  challenges which stil have to be raised. 

Sadness and desolation in Brussels on this 22th March 2016, cowardly hit by terror: explosion of a subway and a double one in Zaventem airport. A city under "the sound of sirens" as headlined the Belgian newspaper "Le Soir". Dozens of innocent people on their way to work, school in this town which the great Jacques Brel made dancing, were killed, injured randomly. It was brutal. And naturally final. Those who escaped from the ignominy remained locked in their workplaces during the day. The doors of schools were closed so that future generations could not see the bloody cobblestones of this peaceful country.

Miles from the crowded Maelbeek subway station, came the turn of Zaventem, the airport of the capital where the travelers were waiting for their flight witnessed this open wound of terrorism. Dozens of dead innocents again after two brainwashed men by the radicalism exploded themselves in the middle of the civilians who were there on this dark and sad day for Belgium.

He who kills a man kills all humanity ... The whole world witnessed its solidarity with Belgium. Because what happened in Belgium, and months ago in France, can happen anywhere.

Innocents killed in the name of human folly and madness. In the name of this vile beast of terrorism.


Thursday, 11 February 2016 10:03

The Movement PEGIDA

Pegida, "Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of the West"  (Patriotische Europäer gegen die Islamisierung of Abendlande),  is a right wing  an anti-immigrant and anti-Islam organization launched in October 2014 in Germany, on social networks by Lutz Bachmann, a man known for his troubles with the German authorities: Bachman has since resigned from the movement.
On 20 October 2014, the first demonstration of Pegida was held in the german city of Dresden:it gathered some five hundred people .However every racist gathering organized y Pegida on mondays in Germany faces faces anti-racist demonstrations 
Pegida  gathers mainly people close to the extreme right, but until now no studies have shown that Pegida is a political organization.
Scapegoats for Pegida are essentially foreigners, Muslims, politicians and the media.
On 6th February 2016, the Movement has organized demonstrations in 14 European countries. But the protests were not successful despite the rise of the extreme right in Europe.

Europeans of Moroccan origin currently occupy all functions in the Old Continent, but also in the "New World". They are politicians, scientists, intellectuals, journalists, writers, musicians, artists, trade unionists ... These women and men are the best shield against racism: all these people are perfectly integrated into their host societies. And if some of them claim to belong to their host countries without denying their origin, this should be an asset for humanity as a whole,
Because, yes,  when the difference is perceived as a mutual enrichment it is humanity that advance. It is the melting pot that allowed the United States to become a great power; the tragic wars of the twentieth century are the"horror that gave birth to the League of Nations and later the United Nations. And it seems important to remind the Spanish War, that of 1936, which was terrifying by the number of deaths, but culturally quite unique in modern history. Intellectuals, but especially huge writers, novelists mostly committed alongside Spanish democrats against Franco's fascism.
It is also never useful to recall a turning point in the history of Morocco. When the King Mohammed V in a Morocco under French protectorate, alone, fought Nazi ideology, rejecting the Vichy regime's policy installed in France, country of Equality and Fraternity , by protecting the Moroccan citizens of Jewish faith. And rejecting all forms of discrimination against them.
History has this essential that it does not disappear. It is written. not only engraved in the memories, but in the history books. It is infallible. And it is not mathematical proof, but human knowledge, mastery of our roots that helps us to live our identities which are always multiple. The purity of the race gave "birth" to the gas chambers, pogroms and abominable dehumanization during the last half century.
If today people born of parents or great parents who came to this or that continent manage to BE, to EXIST as citizens in societies which have become theirs, this is proof that racism is a "concept" that refutes humanity as a whole.
The "recent" immigrants in European countries, but also in many other economically developed countries are completely integrated, without denying their origins, without denying their full citizenship  in  what is called the "western world".

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